Marcos Antonio Pinto Martins


In 1983, Marcos A. P. Martins received his Ph.D., from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He moved to the Federal University of Santa Maria, where he is now a Full Professor in Organic Chemistry. In 1987, he received a DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship to work at Universität Stuttgart, Germany. In 1999 he received the 'FAPERGS AWARD' of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul for his 'outstanding contributions to chemistry'. In 2010, on occasion of the 25 years (1985-2010) of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PPGQ), the Federal University of Santa Maria honored Professor Martins for his active participation during the development of the Project and its implementation, and for his participation as board member of PPGQ first professors. Today PPGQ presents concept 7 in CAPES evaluation. Professor Martins is researcher (1A) of the Brazilian National Research Council, CNPq (h-index: 45) and he is reviewer to more than 80 international scientific journals; researcher cited among the most influential in the world in science/2020, Ranking of PLOS BIOLOGY; received the invitation of Prof. Sauvage (Nobel Prize 2016) to publish 2 articles in Eur. J. Org. Chem. in 2019 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Rotaxanes. Researcher listed by Elsevier in two rankings published in August 2021 data-update "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators". At the Federal University of Santa Maria, he is a leader of the research group named NUQUIMHE, Núcleo de Química de Heterociclos, Department of Chemistry. This group is composed of three more Researchers and ca. 40 students (Postdoctoral fellows, Ph.D. students, MS students, and undergraduate students). The scientific production of Professor Martins includes more than 400 publications, reviews (3 in Chemical Reviews, IF 72.1) and book chapters. Under his guidance, 45 masters and 32 PhDs have been graduated. The research interests of Martins are centered in heterocyclic chemistry with special emphasis in the development of novel building block precursors, synthetic methods, green procedures, use of ionic liquids, solvent-free procedures in the condensation reactions. In the last years, Professor Martins has introduced in his research scope: molecular machines - synthesis and structural studies of rotaxanes; complexity - emergent properties; studies of intermolecular interactions; molecular topology and auto-organization of crystal, cocrystal and polymorphs.Professor Martins works as a consultant to various industries, being one of the creators and responsible by NAPO, Núcleo de Análises e Pesquisas Orgânicas (Department of Chemistry, UFSM), which operates in technological projects for industry. NAPO works in accordance with Quality System for testing laboratories based on the NBR ISO / IEC 17025; since 2008 their laboratories are accredited by INMETRO (Brazilian office connected to ISO for international standardization of laboratories).Professor Martins believes that a well-rounded education is important for the chemist researcher. For this reason, he has been promoting in his research group a series of seminars in areas such as philosophy, fenomenology and hermeneutics, history, literature, and arts.



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