Bernardo Baldisserotto

Produção Bibliográfica

    2025 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN Dietary Ocimum gratissimum Essential Oil Improves the Antioxidant Status and Maintains the Performance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii Juveniles (Applied Sciences-Basel)
  • doi ISSN Evaluation of the Sedative Effect of Limonene to Reduce Stress During Transportation of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) (BIOLOGY)
    2024 (Total: 20)
  • doi ISSN Anaesthetic effect of clove basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.) essential oil on the giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De Man 1879) exposed to different water pHs (AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL)
  • doi ISSN Anatomy, histology and ultrastructure of the digestive tract in Andean fish (Trichomycterus bogotensis) and ecological implications (ZOOMORPHOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic potential of essential oils from Brazilian native plants in Rhamdia quelen juveniles (silver catfish) (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Antioxidant status and performance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii juveniles fed diets containing non-nutritive Aloysia triphylla essential oil (AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL)
  • doi ISSN Common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) juveniles maintained at high temperature and brackish water improve growth, osmoregulation, and antioxidant responses (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Examination of the antioxidant effects of linalool and Lippia alba essential oil in the Pacific whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, subjected to eyestalk ablation (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Functional assessment of citral dietary supplementation on growth performance, intestinal parameters, and specific activity of the digestive enzymes of Sardinella brasiliensis reared in recirculating aquaculture system (BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Gaultheria procumbens essential oil longevity and oxidant/antioxidant status of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected by Aeromonas caviae (The Microbe)
  • doi ISSN Growth, metabolic, hepatic and redox parameters, digestive enzymes and innate immunity in Mugil liza fed a citral-supplemented diet (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Impairment on fillet fatty acid profile and oxidative damage in pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, acutely exposed to extreme ambient temperature (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Intestinal histomorphology of silver catfish fed diets supplemented with Citrus x Aurantium essential oil (OBSERVATORIO DE LA ECONOMÍA LATINOAMERICANA)
  • doi ISSN Ions levels in the gastrointestinal tract content of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) are related to the reproduction period (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Linalool chemotype essential oil from Lippia alba in the anesthesia of fat snook (Centropomus parallelus): ventilatory rate, biochemical, antioxidant, and oxidative status parameters (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Maximum storage time of refrigerated blood and frozen plasma samples from tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Oxidative responses in small juveniles of Colossoma macropomum anesthetized and sedated with Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Protium heptaphyllum essential oil from the fruit as a sedative and anesthetic in Rhamdia quelen: influence in cardiac frequency, biochemical, and oxidative parameters (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Redox profile of silver catfish challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila and treated with hexane extract of Hesperozygis ringens (Benth.) Epling through immersion bath (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS)
  • doi ISSN Salinity/ionic balance interactions on the zootechnical performance and histology of and water quality in a biofloc system (JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY)
  • doi ISSN Sedative and anesthetic efficacy of the essential oils from the Brazilian native plants Pilocarpus pennatifolius and Cordia verbenacea in Nile Tilapia (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS)
  • doi ISSN Waterborne metal levels in four freshwater lakes from Harmony Point, Nelson Island, Antarctica (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS)
    2023 (Total: 13)
  • doi ISSN Antinutritional effect of lectin from faveira (Parkia platycephala) seeds in tambatinga (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus) (BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Creatine Kinase Activity as an Indicator of Energetic Impairment and Tissue Damage in Fish: A Review (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Cryopreserved semen of Piaractus orinoquensis (Serrasalmidae): post-thaw storage times and activating solutions (ACTA BIOLOGICA COLOMBIANA)
  • doi ISSN Dietary Supplementation with R-(+)-Limonene Improves Growth, Metabolism, Stress, and Antioxidant Responses of Silver Catfish Uninfected and Infected with Aeromonas hydrophila (ANIMALS)
  • doi ISSN Effects of Dietary Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Essential Oil on Growth Performance, Plasma Biochemistry, Digestive Enzyme Activity, and Oxidative Stress Responses in Juvenile Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Exposure of Hyalella bonariensis (Crustacea, Amphipoda) to Essential Oils: Effects on Anesthesia and Swimming Activity (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Growth Performance and Histomorphology of Intestine, Skin, Gills and Liver of Juvenile Colossoma macropomum Fed Diets Containing Different Levels of the Essential Oil of Nectandra grandiflora (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Hesperozygis ringens essential oil as an anesthetic for Colossoma macropomum during biometric handling (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Impact of dietary supplementation with essential oil on silver catfish ( ): Toxicological effects and muscle antioxidant and fatty acid profiles (JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES)
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stress in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) after different periods of air exposure (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Stress response of Rhamdia quelen to the interaction stocking density - feeding regimen (GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN The effects of stocking density and food deprivation on mucous cells and lysozyme activity in the skin and gills of silver catfish (ANIMALS)
  • doi ISSN The long-term transport of Potamotrygon wallacei increases lactate levels and triggers oxidative stress in its brain: The protective role of recovery and the essential oil of Lippia alba (AQUACULTURE)
    2022 (Total: 8)
  • doi ISSN Current Advances and Challenges in Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Effect of Lippia grata essential oil as a feed additive on the performance of tambatinga juveniles (ACTA AMAZONICA)
  • doi ISSN Efficacy of Hesperozygis ringens essential oil as an anesthetic and for sedation of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) during simulated transport (AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Aloysia citriodora Paláu and citral: sedative and anesthetic efficacy and safety in Rhamdia quelen and Ctenopharyngodon idella (VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA)
  • doi ISSN Evaluation of the in vivo safety of tucumã oil nanocapsules in an experimental model of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Expression of Ion Transporters and Na+/K+-ATPase and H+-ATPase Activities in the Gills and Kidney of Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen) Exposed to Different pHs (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Influence of pH on physiological and behavioral responses of Pomacea canaliculata (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN The Use of Cinnamon Essential Oils in Aquaculture: Antibacterial, Anesthetic, Growth-Promoting, and Antioxidant Effects (Fishes)
    2021 (Total: 25)
  • doi ISSN Acute Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen) Exposure to Chlorantraniliprole Insecticide (BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Addition of tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) in diet minimize biochemical disturbances in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen exposed to the antiparasitic amitraz (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic potential of different essential oils for two shrimp species, Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda, Crustacea) (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Behavioral and histological features of zebrafish following sedation with eugenol or propofol (APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE)
  • doi ISSN Behavioral impairment and neurotoxic responses of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen exposed to organophosphate pesticide trichlorfon: Protective effects of diet containing rutin (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Behavioural and biochemical responses in adult Pacific white shrimp, , exposed to the essential oil of (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Combined effect of florfenicol with linalool via bath in combating Aeromonas hydrophila infection in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Dietary supplementation with nerolidol improves the antioxidant capacity and muscle fatty acid profile of Brycon amazonicus exposed to acute heat stress (JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum (Linnaeus, 1753): efficacy for anesthesia and transport of Oreochromis niloticus (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Ethanolic extract of Hyptis mutabilis (rich.) Briq.: An effective sedative and antioxidant agent in fish (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Eugenol and Lippia alba essential oils as effective anesthetics for the Amazonian freshwater stingray Potamotrygon wallacei (Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae) (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN In Vitro Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of S-(-)-Limonene and R-(+)-Limonene against Fish Bacteria (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of purinergic system and electron transport chain in two species of cichlids from the Amazon basin exposed to hypoxia (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Lactococcosis a Re-Emerging Disease in Aquaculture: Disease Significant and Phytotherapy (VETERINARY SCIENCES)
  • doi ISSN Linalool induces relaxation of the mantle of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS)
  • doi ISSN Lippia alba essential oil improves water quality during transport and accelerates the recovery of Potamotrygon wallacei from the transport-induced stress (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Maclura tinctoria Extracts: In Vitro Antibacterial Activity against Aeromonas hydrophila and Sedative Effect in Rhamdia quelen (Fishes)
  • doi ISSN Microencapsulated Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon flexuosus ) Essential Oil Supplementation on Quality and Stability of Silver Catfish Fillets during Frozen Storage (Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology)
  • doi ISSN Nanoemulsion boosts anesthetic activity and reduces the side effects of Nectandra grandiflora Nees essential oil in fish (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Protective role of rutin dietary supplementation mediated by purinergic signaling in spleen of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen exposed to organophosphate pesticide trichlorfon (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Rutin-added diet protects silver catfish liver against oxytetracycline-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN The effects of açaí oil addition in tilapia diets on performance, hepatic energy metabolism enzymes and antioxidant responses (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN The influence of dietary Motore- supplement on antioxidant status to Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Rhamdia quelen (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN The use of Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil during the transport of Lophiosilurus alexandri: Water quality, hematology, blood biochemistry and oxidative stress (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Tocopherol in silver catfish diets reduces oxidative stress and improves the unsaturated fatty acids profile (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
    2020 (Total: 42)
  • doi ISSN Acute exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of copper affects branchial and hepatic phosphoryl transfer network of Cichlasoma amazonarum: Impacts on bioenergetics homeostasis (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Aripiprazole prevents stress-induced anxiety and social impairment, but impairs antipredatory behavior in zebrafish (PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR)
  • doi ISSN Benefits of nanotechnology: Dietary supplementation with nerolidol-loaded nanospheres increases survival rates, reduces bacterial loads and prevents oxidative damage in brains of Nile tilapia experimentally infected by Streptococcus agalactiae (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Benefits of thymol supplementation on performance, the hepatic antioxidant system, and energetic metabolism in grass carp (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Branchial bioenergetics dysfunction as a relevant pathophysiological mechanism in freshwater silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) experimentally infected with Flavobacterium columnare (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Chemical composition of the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla under seasonal influence and its anaesthetic activity in fish (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Citral as food additive for common snook - zootechnical parameters and digestive enzymes (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Citral chemotype of the Lippia alba essential oil as an additive in simulated transport with different loading densities of tambaqui juveniles (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Consequences of oxidative damage on the fatty acid profile in muscle of Cichlasoma amazonarum acutely exposed to copper (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Dietary exposure to ochratoxin A reduces growth performance and impairs hepatic purinergic signaling in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Dietary limon Citrus  ×  latifolia fruit peel essential oil improves antioxidant capacity of tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum ) juveniles (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Dietary ochratoxin A (OTA) decreases growth performance and impairs muscle antioxidant system and meat fatty acid profiles in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Dietary supplementation with nerolidol nanospheres improves growth, antioxidant status and fillet fatty acid profiles in Nile tilapia: Benefits of nanotechnology for fish health and meat quality (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Dietary vegetable choline improves hepatic health of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed aflatoxin-contaminated diet (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Diphenyl diselenide dietary supplementation alleviates behavior impairment and brain damage in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) exposed to methylmercury chloride (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Diphenyl diselenide dietary supplementation protects against fumonisin B1-induced oxidative stress in brains of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Diphenyl diselenide modulates splenic purinergic signaling in silver catfish fed diets contaminated with fumonisin B1: An attempt to improve immune and hemostatic responses (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Diphenyl diselenide¿loaded nanocapsules in silver catfish feed enhance growth, improve muscle antioxidant/oxidant status and increase selenium deposition: Advantages of nanotechnology for fish health (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Disturbance of oxidant/antioxidant status and impairment on fillet fatty acid profiles in Brycon amazonicus subjected to acute heat stress (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Effects of thymol supplementation on performance, mortality and branchial energetic metabolism in grass carp experimentally infected by Aeromonas hydrophila (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Lippia alba in the diet of Macrobrachium rosenbergii : Effects on antioxidant enzymes and growth parameters (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum (Linnaeus, 1753) as anesthetic for Lophiosilurus alexandri: Induction, recovery, hematology, biochemistry and oxidative stress (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Fish infections associated with the genus Aeromonas : a review of the effects on oxidative status (JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  • ISSN Gonadal maturation in Pseudoplatystoma metaense x Leiarius marmoratus hybrids (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Green synthesis and antibacterial activity of chalcogenoesters (MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE)
  • doi ISSN Growth, hematology, metabolism, and oxidative parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fed diets containing Lippia alba leaf (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of purinergic signaling in the Amazon fish Pterygoplichthys pardalis subjected to handling stress: Relationship with immune response (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of the phosphoryl transfer network in gill bioenergetic imbalance of pacamã (Lophiosilurus alexandri) subjected to hypoxia: notable participation of creatine kinase (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Nanospheres as a technological alternative to suppress hepatic cellular damage and impaired bioenergetics caused by nerolidol in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Nitric oxide levels in brain, liver, and gills of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to the antiparasitic eprinomectin (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stress in liver of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella naturally infected with Saprolegnia parasitica and its influence on disease pathogenesis (COMPARATIVE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY (PRINT))
  • doi ISSN Participation of phosphoryl transfer network on branchial energetic imbalance of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) exposed to air: Notable involvement of creatine kinase (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Phosphatidylcholine in diets of juvenile Nile tilapia in a biofloc technology system: Effects on performance, energy metabolism and the antioxidant system (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Protective effects of diet containing rutin against trichlorfon-induced muscle bioenergetics disruption and impairment on fatty acid profile of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY)
  • doi ISSN Purine levels and purinergic signaling in plasma and spleen of Brycon amazonicus exposed to acute heat thermal stress: An attempt to regulate the immune response (JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling and gene expression of purinoceptors in the head kidney of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected by Flavobacterium columnare (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Quercetin attenuates endocrine and metabolic responses to oxytetracycline in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Sedative and anesthetic potential of the essential oil and hydrolate from the fruit of Protium heptaphyllum and their isolated compounds in Colossoma macropomum juveniles (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) acclimated to different tropical waters from the Amazon basin shows specific acute-stress responses (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Tea tree oil attenuates cerebral damage in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fed with an aflatoxin-contaminated diet (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Tissue distribution and elimination of S-(+)-linalool in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Toxicological response of silver catfish ( ) after acute exposure to a commercial insecticide containing thiamethoxam (JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES)
    2019 (Total: 53)
  • doi ISSN A caffeine-supplemented diet modulates oxidative stress markers and prevents oxidative damage in the livers of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to hypoxia (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Aeromonas hydrophila infection in silver catfish causes hyperlocomotion related to stress (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Agro food by-products and essential oil constituents curtail virulence and biofilm of Vibrio harveyi (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic induction of juveniles of Rhamdia quelen and Ctenopharyngodon idella with Ocimum micranthum essential oil (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic potential of the essential oils of Lippia alba and Lippia origanoides in Tambaqui juveniles (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Biochemical changes in Curimbatá subjected to transport stress and exposed to an agricultural fair (COMPARATIVE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY (PRINT))
  • doi ISSN Caffeine dietary supplementation mitigates Aeromonas hydrophila-induced impairment of the gill phosphotransfer network in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella: Involvement on disease pathogenesis (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Caffeine modulates brain purinergic signaling in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under hypoxia conditions: improvement of immune and inflammatory responses (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Caffeine prevents hypoxia-induced dysfunction on branchial bioenergetics of Nile tilapia through phosphoryl transfer network (AQUACULTURE)
  • ISSN Characterization of the spontaneous hemolytic activity of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) serum (PAN-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC SCIENCES)
  • doi ISSN Citral as a dietary additive for Centropomus undecimalis juveniles: Redox, immune innate profiles, liver enzymes and histopathology (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Citrus x aurantium essential oil as feed additive improved growth performance, survival, metabolic, and oxidative parameters of silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) (AQUACULTURE NUTRITION)
  • doi ISSN Dietary addition of rutin impairs inflammatory response and protects muscle of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) from apoptosis and oxidative stress in Aeromonas hydrophila-induced infection (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Dietary addition of the essential oil from Lippia alba to Nile tilapia and its effect after inoculation with Aeromonas spp. (AQUACULTURE NUTRITION)
  • doi ISSN Dietary Aloysia triphylla essential oil on growth performance and biochemical and haematological variables in Nile tilapia (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Dietary supplementation with caffeine increases survival rate, reduces microbial load and protects the liver against Aeromonas hydrophila-induced hepatic damage in the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Digestive enzymes and parasitology of Nile tilapia juveniles raised in brackish biofloc water and fed with different digestible protein and digestible energy levels (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Diphenyl diselenide dietary supplementation protects against methylmercury-chloride-induced immunotoxicity in the head kidney and spleen of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) via regulation of purinergic signaling and the NLRP3 inflammasome (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Disturbance of energetic homeostasis and oxidative damage provoked by trichlorfon as relevant toxicological mechanisms using silver catfish as experimental model (CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS)
  • doi ISSN Effect of dietary supplementation with citral-loaded nanostructured systems on innate immune responses and gut microbiota of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Journal of Functional Foods)
  • doi ISSN Effects of dietary grape pomace flour on the purinergic signaling and inflammatory response of grass carp experimentally infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Essential Oils as Stress-Reducing Agents for Fish Aquaculture: A Review (Frontiers in Physiology)
  • doi ISSN Exposure to methylmercury chloride inhibits mitochondrial electron transport chain and phosphotransfer network in liver and gills of grass carp: Protective effects of diphenyl diselenide dietary supplementation as an alternative strategy for mercury toxi (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Extracts of Hesperozygis ringens (Benth.) Epling: in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activity against fish pathogenic bacteria (JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Fish exposed to eprinomectin show hepatic oxidative stress and impairment in enzymes of the phosphotransfer network (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Fish exposed to water contaminated with eprinomectin show inhibition of the activities of AChE and Na+/K+-ATPase in the brain, and changes in natural behavior (CHEMOSPHERE)
  • doi ISSN GABAa receptor subunits expression in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) brain and its modulation by Nectandra grandiflora Nees essential oil and isolated compounds (BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Grape pomace flour alleviates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced hepatic oxidative stress in grass carp by improving antioxidant defense (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Grape pomace flour ameliorates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced bioenergetic dysfunction in gills of grass carp (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Gyrodactylus lilianae n. sp. (Polyonchoinea: Gyrodactylidae) from Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard) (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from southern Brazil: a potential nuisance for aquaculture (SYSTEMATIC PARASITOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Hydrolate toxicity of Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown (Verbenaceae) in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and its potential anaesthetic properties (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Impairment of branchial energy transfer pathways in disease pathogenesis of Providencia rettgeri infection in juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Remarkable involvement of creatine kinase activity (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of HPI-axis in anesthesia with Lippia alba essential oil citral and linalool chemotypes: gene expression in the secondary responses in silver catfish (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Low dissolved oxygen levels increase stress in piava (Megaleporinus obtusidens): iono-regulatory, metabolic and oxidative responses (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil abrogates hepatic oxidative damage in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fed with an aflatoxin-contaminated diet (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Modulation of acetylcholinesterase activity exerts anti-inflammatory effect in spleen and immune cells of fish fed with a diet contaminated by aflatoxin B1 (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Nociceptive-like behavior and analgesia in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR)
  • doi ISSN Organophosphate pesticide trichlorfon induced neurotoxic effects in freshwater silver catfish Rhamdia quelen via disruption of blood-brain barrier: Implications on oxidative status, cell viability and brain neurotransmitters (COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus experimentally infected by Providencia rettgeri (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stress mediated the inhibition of cerebral creatine kinase activity in silver catfish fed with aflatoxin B1-contaminated diet (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Pathological Effects and Lethal Concentration of Two Nonionic, Tallowamine-Polyethoxylate Surfactants in White Cachama Piaractus brachypomus (WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION)
  • doi ISSN Pharmacokinetics of S-(+)-linalool in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after immersion bath: An anesthetic for aquaculture (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Plant essential oils against bacteria isolated from fish: an in vitro screening and in vivo efficacy of Lippia origanoides (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Production of cachama reciprocal hybrids in earth ponds (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Protective effect of high hardness in pacu juveniles (Piaractus mesopotamicus) under acidic or alkaline pH: Biochemical and haematological variables (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling creates an anti-inflammatory profile in spleens of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella naturally infected by Saprolegnia parasitica: An attempt to prevent ATP pro-inflammatory effects (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling displays a pro-inflammatory profile in lymphoid immune organs of Oreochromis niloticus experimentally infected by Providencia rettgeri: The role of pathophysiology (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic system as a potential target for inflammation and toxicity induced by thymol in immune cells and tissues (MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Saprolegnia parasitica impairs branchial phosphoryl transfer network in naturally infected grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella): prejudice on bioenergetic homeostasis (AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL)
  • doi ISSN Stress-reducing and anesthetic effects of the essential oils of Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba on Serrasalmus eigenmanni (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN The survival and hepatic and muscle glucose and lactate levels of Rhamdia quelen inoculated with Aeromonas hydrophila and treated with terpinen-4-ol, carvacrol or thymol (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Vegetable choline improves growth performance, energetic metabolism, and antioxidant capacity of fingerling Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Water pH and hardness alter ATPases and oxidative stress in the gills and kidney of pacu ( Piaractus mesopotamicus ) (Neotropical Ichthyology)
    2018 (Total: 50)
  • doi ISSN Aeromonas caviae alters the activities of ecto-enzymes that hydrolyze adenine nucleotides in fish thrombocytes (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Aeromonas caviae inhibits hepatic enzymes of the phosphotransfer network in experimentally infected silver catfish: Impairment on bioenergetics (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Aflatoxin B 1 -contaminated diet disrupts the blood-brain barrier and affects fish behavior: Involvement of neurotransmitters in brain synaptosomes (ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Aloysia triphylla in the zebrafish food: effects on physiology, behavior, and growth performance (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) with the essential oils of Aniba rosaeodora and Aniba parviflora and their major compound, linalool (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Antibacterial potential of phytochemicals alone or in combination with antimicrobials against fish pathogenic bacteria (JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Blood-brain barrier breakdown and myeloperoxidase activity in silver catfish experimentally infected with (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Blood-brain barrier breakdown, memory impairment and neurotoxicity caused in mice submitted to orally treatment with thymol (ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Changes in the cerebral phosphotransfer network impair energetic homeostasis in an aflatoxin B1-contaminated diet (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Chemical, microbiological, and sensory parameters during the refrigerated storage of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed in vivo to the essential oil of Lippia alba (JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE)
  • doi ISSN Citral and linalool chemotypes of Lippia alba essential oil as anesthetics for fish: a detailed physiological analysis of side effects during anesthetic recovery in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Citrobacter freundii impairs the phosphoryl transfer network in the gills of Rhamdia quelen : Impairment of bioenergetics homeostasis (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Citrobacter freundii infection in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen): Hematological and histological alterations (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Composition of gastrointestinal content, protease and lipase activities in summer and winter of four freshwater siluriforms (Teleostei: Actinopterygii) with two different feeding habits (Zoologia)
  • doi ISSN Effect of fasting and feeding on growth, intestinal morphology and enteroendocrine cell density in juveniles (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Effects of dietary microencapsulated Cymbopogon flexuosus essential oil on reproductive-related parameters in male Rhamdia quelen (FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Efficacy of dietary curcumin supplementation as bactericidal for silver catfish against Streptococcus agalactiae (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla is effective in Nile tilapia transport (BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Essential oils and eugenol as anesthetics for Serrasalmus rhombeus (BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA)
  • doi ISSN Essential oils from Citrus x aurantium and Citrus x latifolia (Rutaceae) have anesthetic activity and are effective in reducing ion loss in silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Gill bioenergetics dysfunction and oxidative damage induced by thiamethoxam exposure as relevant toxicological mechanisms in freshwater silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT)
  • doi ISSN Growth and metabolic parameters of common snook juveniles raised in freshwater with different water hardness (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN High waterborne Mg does not attenuate the toxic effects of Fe, Mn, and Ba on Na+ regulation of Amazonian armored catfish tamoatá (Hoplosternum litoralle) (Environmental Science and Pollution Research)
  • doi ISSN Ichthyophthirius multifiliis impairs splenic enzymes of the phosphoryl transfer network in naturally infected Rhamdia quelen: effects on energetic homeostasis (PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of xanthine oxidase inhibition with the antioxidant property of nanoencapsulated Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil in fish experimentally infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Lack of post-exposure analgesic efficacy of low concentrations of eugenol in zebrafish (VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA)
  • doi ISSN Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) hydrolate as sedative of tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum ) juveniles in simulated transport conditions (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil prevents bioenergetics dysfunction in spleen of silver catfish naturally infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Myrcia sylvatica essential oil mitigates molecular, biochemical and physiological alterations in Rhamdia quelen under different stress events associated to transport (RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE)
  • doi ISSN Myrcia sylvatica essential oil in the diet of gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata L.) attenuates the stress response induced by high stocking density (AQUACULTURE NUTRITION)
  • doi ISSN Nanoencapsulated Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil exerts anesthetic effects in the brachyuran crab using Neohelice granulate (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Pre-slaughter anesthesia with Lippia alba essential oil delays the spoilage of chilled Rhamdia quelen (Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology)
  • doi ISSN Protective effect of quercetin against oxidative stress induced by oxytetracycline in muscle of silver catfish (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling as a potential target of hypoxia stress-induced impairment of the immune system in freshwater catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling as potential target of thiamethoxam-induced neurotoxicity using silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) as experimental model (MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling modulates the splenic inflammatory response in silver catfish naturally infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signalling as a potential pathway for trichlorfon induced-inflammation and impairment of the immune response using freshwater silver catfish (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signalling displays a pro-inflammatory profile in spleen and splenic lymphocytes of Rhamdia quelen fed with a diet contaminated by fungal mycotoxin: Involvement on disease pathogenesis (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signalling displays an anti-inflammatory profile in the spleen of fish experimentally infected with : Modulation of the immune response (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Purinergic system displays an anti-inflammatory profile in serum of silver catfish experimentally infected with Streptococcus agalactiae : An attempt to ameliorate the inflammatory response (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Serum adenosine deaminase and xanthine oxidase activities in silver catfish naturally infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis : The influence of these enzymes on inflammatory and oxidative status (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Serum and hepatic oxidative damage induced by a diet contaminated with fungal mycotoxin in freshwater silver catfish Rhamdia quelen: Involvement on disease pathogenesis (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Streptococcus agalactiae alters cerebral enzymes of phosphoryl transfer network in experimentally infected silver catfish: Impairment on brain energy homeostasis (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN The antibacterial and physiological effects of pure and nanoencapsulated Origanum majorana essential oil on fish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN The disturbance of antioxidant/oxidant balance in fish experimentally infected by Aeromonas caviae : Relationship with disease pathophysiology (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN The effects of essential oils and their major compounds on fish bacterial pathogens - a review (JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Thiamethoxam induced hepatic energy changes in silver catfish via impairment of the phosphoryl transfer network pathway: Toxicological effects on energetics homeostasis (ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Tissue oxidative damage mediates impairment on phosphotransfer network during thymol intake: Effects on hepatic and renal bioenergetics (CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS)
  • doi ISSN Ventilatory frequency and anesthetic efficacy in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen: a comparative approach between different essential oils (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE)
  • doi ISSN Xanthine oxidase activity exerts pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory effects in serum of silver catfish fed with a diet contaminated with aflatoxin B (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
    2017 (Total: 48)
  • doi ISSN (+)-Dehydrofukinone modulates membrane potential and delays seizure onset by GABAa receptor-mediated mechanism in mice (TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Aeromonas caviae alters the cytosolic and mitochondrial creatine kinase activities in experimentally infected silver catfish: Impairment on renal bioenergetics (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Aloysia triphylla essential oil as additive in silver catfish diet: Blood response and resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila infection (Fish & Shellfish Immunology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia and sedation of map treefrog (Hypsiboas geographicus) tadpoles with essential oils (CIENCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia of Epinephelus marginatus with essential oil of Aloysia polystachya: an approach on blood parameters (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS)
  • doi ISSN Antimicrobial and synergistic activity of essential oils of Aloysia triphylla and Lippia alba against Aeromonas spp. (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Biochemical parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after transport with eugenol or essential oil of Lippia alba added to the water (BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Can the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla have anesthetic effect and improve the physiological parameters of the carnivorous freshwater catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri after transport? (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Cholinergic and adenosinergic systems exert a pro-inflammatory profile in peripheric and splenic lymphocytes of Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected by Aeromonas caviae (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Conspecific and heterospecific alarm substances induce behavioral responses in juvenile catfish Rhamdia quelen (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Could hypoxia acclimation cause morphological changes and protect against Mn-induced oxidative injuries in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) even after reoxygenation? (ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION)
  • doi ISSN Different feeding habits influence the activity of digestive enzymes in freshwater fish (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN essential oil as food additive for - Stress and antioxidant parameters (AQUACULTURE NUTRITION)
  • doi ISSN Ecotoxicology of Glycerol Monolaurate nanocapsules (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of as a sedative and anesthetic for the sea urchin (Linnaeus, 1758) (MARINE AND FRESHWATER BEHAVIOUR AND PHYSIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Lippia alba in the transport of Nile tilapia (CIÊNCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN Essential oils of Cunila galioides and Origanum majorana as anesthetics for Rhamdia quelen: efficacy and effects on ventilation and ionoregulation (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Humic acid of commercial origin causes changes in gill morphology of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen exposed to acidic water (Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology)
  • doi ISSN Hypoxia acclimation and subsequent reoxygenation partially prevent Mn-induced damage in silver catfish (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Toxicology & Pharmacology)
  • doi ISSN Inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in gills of Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Interplay with reactive oxygen species (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of cholinergic and adenosinergic systems on the branchial immune response of experimentally infected silver catfish with (JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of xanthine oxidase activity with oxidative and inflammatory renal damage in silver catfish experimentally infected with Streptococcus agalactiae : Interplay with reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Is monoterpene terpinen-4-ol the compound responsible for the anesthetic and antioxidant activity of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil (tea tree oil) in silver catfish? (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Lippia alba and Aloysia triphylla essential oils are anxiolytic without inducing aversiveness in fish (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil nanoparticles ameliorate the hepatic antioxidant/oxidant status of silver catfish experimentally infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil prevents alterations to purinergic enzymes and ameliorates the innate immune response in silver catfish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil prevents oxidative stress and ameliorates the antioxidant system in the liver of silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) naturally infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Monoterpenoids (thymol, carvacrol and S-(+)-linalool) with anesthetic activity in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen): evaluation of acetylcholinesterase and GABAergic activity (BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Nanotechnology improves the therapeutic efficacy of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil in experimentally infected Rhamdia quelen with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Oxidative and biochemical responses in Brycon amazonicus anesthetized and sedated with Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. and Curcuma longa L. essential oils (VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA)
  • doi ISSN Physiological responses of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) to anesthesia with essential oils from two different chemotypes of Lippia alba (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Plant essential oils as fish diet additives: benefits on fish health and stability in feed (Reviews in Aquaculture)
  • doi ISSN Potential uses of Ocimum gratissimum and Hesperozygis ringens essential oils in aquaculture (Industrial Crops and Products (Print))
  • doi ISSN Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA01 impairs enzymes of the phosphotransfer network in the gills of Rhamdia quelen (Veterinary Microbiology (Amsterdam. Print))
  • doi ISSN Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 infection impairs locomotor activity in experimentally infected Rhamdia quelen: Interplay between a stress response and brain neurotransmitters (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Purinergic signaling modulates the cerebral inflammatory response in experimentally infected fish with Streptococcus agalactiae: an attempt to improve the immune response (MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY)
  • doi ISSN Relaxing effect of eugenol and essential oils in Pomacea canaliculata (CIENCIA RURAL)
  • doi ISSN S-(+)- and R-(-)-linalool: a comparison of the in vitro anti-Aeromonas hydrophila activity and anesthetic properties in fish (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE))
  • doi ISSN Solving the challenge of the blood?brain barrier to treat infections caused by Trypanosoma evansi: evaluation of nerolidol-loaded nanospheres in mice (PARASITOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Stability of frozen fillets from silver catfish anesthetized with essential oil of prior to electrical stunning or hypothermia (JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION)
  • doi ISSN Stimulation of splenic and lymphocytic acetylcholinesterase and adenosine deaminase activities in Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impairment of immune system (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Streptococcus agalactiae impairs cerebral bioenergetics in experimentally infected silver catfish (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN The adenosinergic system, not the cholinergic system, exerts an anti-inflammatory profile in lymphatic immune organs of fish naturally infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (AQUACULTURE)
  • doi ISSN Triphenyltin hydroxide induces changes in the oxidative stress parameters of fish (ECOTOXICOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Waterborne calcium and nitrite interaction: survival, growth, hematological and metabolic parameters in silver catfish (BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA)
  • doi ISSN Xanthine oxidase activity affects pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory profiles in spleen of silver catfish experimentally infected with Aeromonas caviae (MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS)
  • doi ISSN Xanthine oxidase activity exerts a pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory profile in gills of experimentally infected silver catfish with Streptococcus agalactiae (AQUACULTURE)
    2016 (Total: 24)
  • doi ISSN Anaesthetic and antioxidant effects of Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. and Curcuma longa L. essential oils on tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum ) (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic induction and recovery time of Centropomus parallelus exposed to the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Could the essential oil of Lippia alba provide a readily available and cost-effective anaesthetic for Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus )? (Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (Print))
  • doi ISSN effects of plant essential oils on non-specific immune parameters of red drum, L. (Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition (1986))
  • doi ISSN Effect of (+)-dehydrofukinone on GABAA receptors and stress response in fish model (Brazilian journal of medical and biological research)
  • doi ISSN Effects of clove oil, essential oil of and 2-phe anaesthesia on juvenile meagre, (Asso, 1801) (Journal of Applied Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil from Lippia alba has anaesthetic activity and is effective in reducing handling and transport stress in tambacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus×Colossoma macropomum) (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla as feed additive promotes growth of silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) (Aquaculture Nutrition (Print))
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia: anaesthesia, stress parameters and sensory evaluation of fillets (AQUACULTURE RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Evaluation of Ocimum americanum essential oil as an additive in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) diets (Fish & Shellfish Immunology (Print))
  • ISSN Fatty acid composition of fillets of silver catfish fed on sunflower oil and linseed oil (International Food Research Journal)
  • doi ISSN Freshwater parameters in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, and their influence on fish distribution and aquaculture (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Growth of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to acidic pH at different humic acid levels (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Imazapyr+imazapic herbicide determines acute toxicity in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN In vivo bactericidal effect of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil against Aeromonas hydrophila: Silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) as an experimental model (Microbial Pathogenesis)
  • doi ISSN Influence of electronarcosis on behavioral responses, blood markers and fillet properties of silver catfish ( ). (Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology)
  • doi ISSN Involvement of cholinergic and purinergic systems during the inflammatory response caused by Aeromonas hydrophila in Rhamdia quelen (Microbial Pathogenesis)
  • doi ISSN Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil enhances the non-specific immune system and prevents oxidative damage in Rhamdia quelen experimentally infected by Aeromonas hydrophila: Effects on cholinergic and purinergic systems in liver tissue (Fish & Shellfish Immunology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stability during frozen storage of fillets from silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen ) sedated with the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla during transport (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Protective effect of vitamin E on sperm motility and oxidative stress in valproic acid treated rats (Food and Chemical Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Quercetin in the diet of silver catfish: Effects on antioxidant status, blood parameters and pituitary hormone expression (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Resveratrol prevents oxidative damage and loss of sperm motility induced by long-term treatment with valproic acid in Wistar rats (Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology (Print))
  • doi ISSN The use of Ocimum americanum essential oil against the pathogens Aeromonas hydrophila and Gyrodactylus sp. in silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) (Letters in Applied Microbiology)
  • ISSN Toxicity of Tagetes minuta essential oil in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences)
    2015 (Total: 21)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic activity and bio-guided fractionation of the essential oil of Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc. in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Online))
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic activity of the essential oil of Ocimum americanum in Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) and its effects on stress parameters (Neotropical Ichthyology (Online))
  • doi ISSN Commercial formulation containing 2,4-D affects biochemical parameters and morphological indices of silver catfish exposed for 90 days (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • ISSN Congelação de sêmen e tecidos de peixes brasileiros (Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal)
  • doi ISSN Effect of diets enriched with rutin on blood parameters, oxidative biomarkers and pituitary hormone expression in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Effect of humic acid on survival, ionoregulation and hematology of the silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), exposed to different pHs (Zoologia (Curitiba. Online))
  • doi ISSN Effects of anesthesia with the essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. in parameters of fish stress (Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Effects of Waterborne Fluoxetine on Stress Response and Osmoregulation in Zebrafish (Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology)
  • doi ISSN Histological and antioxidant responses in Rhamdia quelen sedated with propofol (Aquaculture Research (Print))
  • doi ISSN Histopathological biomarkers in juvenile silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to a sublethal lead concentration (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Lippia alba essential oil promotes survival of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) infected with Aeromonas sp. (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Methanolic extract of Condalia buxifolia added to transport water alters biochemical parameters of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Net ion fluxes and ammonia excretion during transport of Rhamdia quelen juveniles (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Plant essential oils against Aeromonas hydrophila : in vitro activity and their use in experimentally infected fish (Journal of Applied Microbiology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Pre-sedation and transport of Rhamdia quelen in water containing essential oil of Lippia alba: metabolic and physiological responses (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824), submitted to a stressful condition: effect of dietary addition of the essential oil of Lippia alba on metabolism, osmoregulation and endocrinology (Neotropical Ichthyology (Online))
  • doi ISSN Sedative effect of 2-phenoxyethanol and essential oil of Lippia alba on stress response in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) (Research in Veterinary Science)
  • doi ISSN Stress response in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to the essential oil of Hesperozygis ringens (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN The effect of water pH on the incubation and larviculture of curimbatá Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837) (Characiformes: Prochilodontidae) (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN The influence of stocking density and food deprivation in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen): A metabolic and endocrine approach (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • ISSN Tolerance of piava juveniles to different ammonia levels (Semina (Londrina))
    2014 (Total: 21)
  • ISSN Anthelmintic activity of the phytochemical eugenol against the fish parasite Gyrodactylus sp. and acute toxicity in Daphnia pulex (Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences)
  • doi ISSN Diet with Diphenyl Diselenide Mitigates Quinclorac Toxicity in Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Plos One)
  • doi ISSN Dietary protein levels in Piaractus brachypomus submitted to extremely acidic or alkaline pH (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Effect of beta 1,3 glucan in stress responses of the pencilfish (Nannostomus trifasciatus) during transport within the rio Negro basin (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • ISSN Eugenol como anestésico para el manejo de juveniles del híbrido Pseudoplatystoma metaense por Leiarus marmoratus (Revista Orinoquia)
  • doi ISSN Exposure to Sublethal Concentrations of Copper Changes Biochemistry Parameters in Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Fish anesthesia: effects of the essential oils of Hesperozygis ringens and Lippia alba on the biochemistry and physiology of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Glyphosate on digestive enzymes activity in piava (Leporinus obtusidens) (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Hematological, morphological, biochemical and hydromineral responses in Rhamdia quelen sedated with propofol (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Humic acid and moderate hypoxia alter oxidative and physiological parameters in different tissues of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology)
  • doi ISSN Hypoxia acclimation protects against oxidative damage and changes in prolactin and somatolactin expression in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to manganese (Aquatic Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Ion flux and cortisol responses of cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956), to additives (tetracycline, tetracycline + salt or Amquel ® ) used during transportation: contributio (Journal of Applied Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Larvicidal Activity of Brazilian Plant Essential Oils Against Coenagrionidae Larvae (Journal of Economic Entomology)
  • doi ISSN Physiological and biochemical responses of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, after transport in water with essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (L'Herit) Britton (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN S -(+)-Linalool from Lippia alba : sedative and anesthetic for silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) (Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (Print))
  • doi ISSN The effects of ammonia and water hardness on the hormonal, osmoregulatory and metabolic responses of the freshwater silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Aquatic Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN The essential oil from Lippia alba induces biochemical stress in the silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after transportation (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN The Protective Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Oxidative Stress in the Brain Caused by the Long-Term Intake of Aspartame by Rats (Neurochemical Research)
  • doi ISSN The use of eugenol against Aeromonas hydrophila and its effect on hematological and immunological parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Using the Essential Oil of Aloysia triphylla (L'Her.) Britton to Sedate Silver Catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) during Transport Improved the Chemical and Sensory Qualities of the Fish during Storage (Journal of Food Science)
  • doi ISSN Water pH and metabolic parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Biochemical Systematics and Ecology)
    2013 (Total: 19)
  • doi ISSN Addition of Lippia alba (Mill) N. E. Brown essential oil to the diet of the silver catfish: An analysis of growth, metabolic and blood parameters and the antioxidant response (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia and transport of fat snook Centropomus parallelus with the essential oil of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic activity of Brazilian native plants in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic activity of the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla and effectiveness in reducing stress during transport of albino and gray strains of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Biochemical changes in Salminus brasiliensis due to successive captures and stocking densities (Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences (Online))
  • doi ISSN Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit) Britton extracts obtained by pressurized CO2 extraction (Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Ectonucleotidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different salinities (Biochemical Systematics and Ecology)
  • doi ISSN Effects of Subchronic Manganese Chloride Exposure on Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) Tissues: Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defenses (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Efficacy of eugenol and the methanolic extract of Condalia buxifolia during the transport of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Environmental quality evaluation of the Vacacaí River, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Environmental Earth Sciences (Print))
  • doi ISSN Gill rakers in six teleost species: influence of feeding habit and body size (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Moderate hypoxia is able to minimize the manganese-induced toxicity in tissues of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Preference behavior of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, juveniles in waters with pH gradients: laboratory experiments (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Proximate composition and lipid stability of dourado ( Salminus brasilensis , Cuvier, 1817) fillets exposed to different levels of ammonia and oxygen in vivo (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture)
  • doi ISSN Resveratrol improves sperm motility, prevents lipid peroxidation and enhances antioxidant defences in the testes of hyperthyroid rats (Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.))
  • doi ISSN Sedative and anesthetic activities of the essential oils of Hyptis mutabilis (Rich.) Briq. and their isolated components in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Brazilian journal of medical and biological research)
  • doi ISSN The Survival and Growth of Juvenile Silver Catfish, , Exposed to Different NH and Hardness Levels (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN The use of nitazoxanide against the pathogens Ichthyophthirius multi-liis and Aeromonas hydrophila in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Veterinary Parasitology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Toxicity of Triphenyltin Hydroxide to Fish (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print))
    2012 (Total: 16)
  • doi ISSN Ammonia excretion at different life stages of silver catfish (ACTA SCIENTIARUM. ANIMAL SCIENCES)
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia and Transport of Brazilian Flounder, Paralichthys orbignyanus, with Essential Oils of Aloysia gratissima and Ocimum gratissimum (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Antipredator and alarm reaction responses of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles exposed to waterborne ammonia (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Effects of Parboiled Rice Diet on Oxidative Stress Parameters in Kidney of Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes (Journal of Medicinal Food)
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L.: Anesthetic effects, mechanism of action and tolerance in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Immersion anaesthesia with tricaine methanesulphonate or propofol on different sizes and strains of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Journal of Fish Biology)
  • doi ISSN Lipid stability during the frozen storage of fillets from silver catfish exposed in vivo to the essential oil of Lippia alba (Mill.) NE Brown (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture)
  • doi ISSN Metals in the water, sediment, and tissues of two fish species from different trophic levels in a subtropical Brazilian river (Microchemical Journal (Print))
  • doi ISSN Nitrogenous and phosphorus excretions in juvenile silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different water hardness, humic acid, and pH levels (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Participation of the GABAergic system in the anesthetic effect of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown essential oil (Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research on line)
  • doi ISSN Preferred pH of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen acclimated to different pH levels (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Silver catfish Rhamdia quelen immersion anaesthesia with essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit) Britton or tricaine methanesulfonate: effect on stress response and antioxidant status (Aquaculture Research (Print))
  • doi ISSN Sodium Fluxes in Tamoatá¡, Hoplosternum litoralle, Exposed to Formation Water from Urucu Reserve (Amazon, Brazil) (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Stress responses of the endemic freshwater cururu stingray (Potamotrygon cf. histrix) during transportation in the Amazon region of the Rio Negro (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology)
  • doi ISSN The anesthetic efficacy of eugenol and the essential oils of Lippia alba and Aloysia triphylla in post-larvae and sub-adults of Litopenaeus vannamei (Crustacea, Penaeidae) (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Toxicology & Pharmacology)
  • doi ISSN Transportation of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, in water with eugenol and the essential oil of Lippia alba (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
    2011 (Total: 18)
  • doi ISSN Anesthetic induction and recovery of Hippocampus reidi exposed to the essential oil of Lippia alba (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • ISSN Dietary salt and water pH effects on growth and Na+ fluxes of silver catfish juveniles (Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences)
  • doi ISSN Effect of the essential oil of Lippia alba on oxidative stress parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) subjected to transport (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Effects of the commercial formulation containing fipronil on the non-target organism Cyprinus carpio: Implications for rice¿fish cultivation (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Effects of Water Cadmium Concentrations on Bioaccumulation and Various Oxidative Stress Parameters in Rhamdia quelen (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Effects of Water pH and Hardness on Infection of Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Fingerlings by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Interaction of Water Hardness and pH on Growth of Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Juveniles (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Ion levels in the gastrointestinal tract content of freshwater and marineâ¿¿estuarine teleosts (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Low water hardness and pH affect growth and survival of silver catfish juveniles (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Oxidative stress parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and maintained at different levels of water pH (Veterinary Parasitology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Plasma ion levels of freshwater and marine/estuarine teleosts from Southern Brazil (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Redox profile in liver of Leporinus macrocephalus exposed to different dissolved oxygen levels (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Rendimento e viabilidade da extração de hipófise de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Survival, growth and metabolic parameters of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, juveniles exposed to different waterborne nitrite levels (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Toxicological Responses of Cyprinus carpio Exposed to a Commercial Formulation Containing Glyphosate (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Water parameters affect anaesthesia induced by eugenol in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Aquaculture Research (Print))
  • ISSN Water pH and hardness affect growth of freshwater teleosts (Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia / Brazilian Journal of Animal Science)
  • doi ISSN Waterborne ammonia and silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen: survival and growth (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
    2010 (Total: 6)
  • doi ISSN Anesthesia of silver catfish with eugenol: time of induction, cortisol response and sensory analysis of fillet (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Essential oil of Lippia alba: A new anesthetic for silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Growth, biochemical and physiological responses of Salminus brasiliensis with different stocking densities and handling (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Herbicide Formulation with Glyphosate Affects Growth, Acetylcholinesterase Activity, and Metabolic and Hematological Parameters in Piava (Leporinus obtusidens) (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print))
  • doi ISSN Morphometric parameters comparisons of the digestive tract of four teleosts with different feeding habits (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • ISSN Risco de zoonose por parasitos do trato digestório de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) coletados em reservatório de água da região central do Rio Grande do Sul (Revista Saúde (Santa Maria))
    2009 (Total: 13)
  • ISSN Acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain and muscle of carps exposed to azimsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl (Pesticidas (UFPR))
  • doi ISSN Ammonia-, Sodium Chloride-, and Calcium Sulfate-induced Changes in the Stress Responses of Jundiá, Rhamdia quelen, Juveniles (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Benefits of using the probiotic Efinol ® L during transportation of cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz), in the Amazon (Aquaculture Research)
  • doi ISSN Bioaccumulation and oxidative stress parameters in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different thorium concentrations (Chemosphere (Oxford))
  • doi ISSN Calcium fluxes in Hoplosternum littorale (tamoatá) exposed to different types of Amazonian waters (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Dissolved oxygen and ammonia levels in water that affect plasma ionic content and gallbladder bile in silver catfish (Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Effect of Combined Non-ionized Ammonia and Dissolved Oxygen Levels on the Survival of Juvenile Dourado, Salminus brasiliensis (Cuvier) (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN NTPDase and acetylcholinesterase activities in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Heptapteridae) exposed to interaction of oxygen and ammonia levels (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Pesticide contamination of water alters the metabolism of juvenile silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Piscicultura continental no Rio Grande do Sul: situação atual, problemas e perspectivas para o futuro (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Protective Effect of High Alkalinity Against the Deleterious Effects of Chronic Waterborne Cadmium Exposure on the Detection of Alarm Cues by Juvenile Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Transport of jundiá Rhamdia quelen juveniles at different loading densities: water quality and blood parameters (Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Uma importante revisão sobre o impacto de agroquímicos da cultura de arroz em peixes (Biota Neotropica (Edição em português. Impresso))
    2008 (Total: 10)
  • doi ISSN Acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity in carp brain and muscle after acute exposure to diafuran (Scientia Agricola)
  • doi ISSN Ammonia and pH effects on some metabolic parameters and gill histology of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Biochemistry, cytogenetics and bioaccumulation in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) exposed to different thorium concentrations (Aquatic Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Freshwater temperature in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, and its implication for fish culture (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Ion fluxes and hematological parameters of two teleosts from the Rio Negro, Amazon, exposed to hypoxia (Brazilian Journal of Biology)
  • ISSN Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles exposed to different dissolved oxygen levels (Ciência Animal Brasileira (UFG))
  • doi ISSN Net ion fluxes in the facultative air-breather Hoplosternum littorale (tamoata) and the obligate air-breather Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) exposed to different Amazonian waters (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • ISSN Nitrogen and phosphorus waste in fish farming (Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (Online))
  • doi ISSN Toxicity of cadmium for silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) embryos and larvae at different alkalinities (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Using Efinol ® L during transportation of marbled hatchetfish, Carnegiella strigata (Günther) (Aquaculture Research)
    2007 (Total: 3)
  • doi ISSN Interaction of Water Alkalinity and Stocking Density on Survival and Growth of Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Juveniles (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Salt in the Food and Water as a Supportive Therapy for Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Infestation on Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Fingerlings (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society)
  • doi ISSN Water pH and urinary excretion in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Journal of Fish Biology)
    2006 (Total: 7)
  • doi ISSN A mathematical model for growth in weight of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (Heptapteridae, Siluriformes, Teleostei) (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN In vitro analysis of intestinal absorption of cadmium and calcium in rainbow trout fed with calcium- and cadmium-supplemented diets (Journal of Fish Biology)
  • doi ISSN Ion fluxes in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles exposed to different dissolved oxygen levels (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Ion levels in the gastrointestinal tract content and plasma of four teleosts with different feeding habits (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Survival and behavior of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, submitted to antibiotics and sodium chloride treatments (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Survival, growth and biochemical parameters of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824), juveniles exposed to different dissolved oxygen levels (Aquaculture Research)
  • doi ISSN Use of salt during transportation of air breathing pirarucu juveniles (Arapaima gigas) in plastic bags (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
    2005 (Total: 6)
  • doi ISSN ATP, ADP and AMP dephosphorylation in membrane fractions of Rhamdia quelen exposed to different temperatures (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • doi ISSN Effect of dietary calcium on growth and survival of silver catfish fingerlings, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae), exposed to different water pH (Aquaculture Nutrition)
  • doi ISSN Effects of dietary calcium and cadmium on cadmium accumulation, calcium and cadmium uptake from the water, and their interactions in juvenile rainbow trout (AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Effects of the herbicides clomazone, quinclorac, and metsulfuron methyl on acetylcholinesterase activity in the silver catfish () (Heptapteridae) (Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety)
  • doi ISSN Growth and survival of silver catfish larvae, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae), at different calcium and magnesium concentrations (Neotropical Ichthyology)
  • doi ISSN Tissue-Specific Cadmium and Metallothionein Levels in Rainbow Trout Chronically Acclimated to Waterborne or Dietary Cadmium (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)
    2004 (Total: 5)
  • doi ISSN A protective effect of dietary calcium against acute waterborne cadmium uptake in rainbow trout (Aquatic Toxicology)
  • doi ISSN Acute waterborne cadmium uptake in rainbow trout is reduced by dietary calcium carbonate (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Toxicology & Pharmacology)
  • doi ISSN Effect of different temperature regimes on metabolic and blood parameters of silver catfish (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Ionic levels of the gallbladder bile of some teleosts from the Rio Negro, Amazon (Journal of Fish Biology)
  • doi ISSN Lethal concentration of clomazone, metsulfuron-metil, and quinclorac for silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, fingerlings (Ciência Rural)
    2003 (Total: 5)
  • ISSN Cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em ratos tratados com pomada caseira à base de plantas medicinais (Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais)
  • ISSN Efficacy of different salt (NaCl) concentrations in the treatment of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis contamination of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, fingerlings (Journal of Applied Aquaculture)
  • doi ISSN Growth and survival of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) larvae exposed to different levels of water hardness (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • doi ISSN Incubation of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae), eggs at different calcium and magnesium concentrations (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • ISSN Transport of silver catfish, (Rhamdia quelen) fingerlings at different times, load densities, and temperatures (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
    2002 (Total: 6)
  • ISSN Alkaloids, amides and antispasmodic activity of Zanthoxylum hyemale (Planta Medica (Stuttgart))
  • ISSN Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Plantago australis hydroalcoholic extract (Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense)
  • doi ISSN Effect of Plantago australis leaves on different gastric ulcer models (Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso))
  • doi ISSN Ion fluxes of Metynnis hypsauchen, a teleost from the Rio Negro, Amazon, exposed to an increase of temperature (Brazilian Journal of Biology)
  • ISSN Preliminary phytochemical analysis of Aster squamatus (Asteraceae) and of its effect on gastrointestinal propulsion (Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense)
  • ISSN Survival of Prochilodus lineatus(Valenciennes) fingerlings exposed to acute pH changes (Acta Scientiarum (UEM))
    2001 (Total: 5)
  • doi ISSN Amino acids and carbohydrates absorption by Na+-dependent transporters in the pyloric ceca of Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae) (Ciência Rural)
  • ISSN Levantamento de dados sobre plantas medicinais de uso popular no município de São João do Polêsine, RS, no período de agosto de 1997 a dezembro de 1998- I. Relação entre enfermidades e espécies utilizadas (Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais)
  • ISSN Subacute oral toxicity of the infusions of Aster squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron. (Asteraceae) on serum parameters and histology of kidney and liver of rats (Revista Brasileira de Toxicologia)
  • ISSN Survival and growth of silver catfish larvae exposed to different water pH (Aquaculture International)
  • ISSN Survival of silver catfish fingerlings exposed to acute changes of water pH and hardness (Aquaculture International)
    2000 (Total: 8)
  • doi ISSN Biologia do jundiá Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei, Pimelodidae) (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Densidade de estocagem e crescimento de alevinos de Jundiá Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Ciência Rural)
  • ISSN Effect of stocking density on water quality, survival, and growth of larvae of the matrinxã, Brycon cephalus (Characidae) in ponds. (Aquaculture (Amsterdam))
  • Extratos hidroalcoólicos do caule e folha de Aster squamatus e transporte de íons no íleo e cólon de ratos (Revista de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • doi ISSN Lethal temperatures for Rhamdia quelen larvae (Pimelodidae) (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Na+ and K+ body levels and survival of fingerlings of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) exposed to acute changes of water pH. (Ciência Rural)
  • doi ISSN Urophysial and pituitary extracts for spawning induction in teleosts (Ciência Rural)
    1999 (Total: 7)
  • doi ISSN Analysis of the abortive and/or infertilizing activity of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart. Coville) (Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science)
  • Efeito de Aster squamatus (Asteraceae) sobre a diferença de potencial transepitelial do cólon de ratos (Revista de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • Efeito de Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville sobre a motilidade do íleo isolado de ratos (Revista de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • ISSN Growth and survival of fingerlings of silver catfish exposed to different photoperiods (Aquaculture International)
  • ISSN Lethal temperature for silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, fingerlings (Journal of Applied Aquaculture)
  • doi ISSN Sobrevivência de alevinos de Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) à variação de salinidade da água (Ciência Rural)
    1998 (Total: 2)
  • ISSN Influência da densidade de estocagem na produtividade de larvas de matrinxã Brycon cephalus (Pisces, Characidae) em tanques (Boletim Técnico do CEPTA)
    1997 (Total: 5)
  • doi ISSN Changes in the electrophysiological parameters of the posterior intestine of Anguilla anguilla (Pisces) induced by oxytocin, urotensin II and aldosterone (Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research)
    1996 (Total: 3)
  • ISSN EFECT OF UROTENSIN I ON THE IONIC CONTENT OF THE PLASMA AND THE GALLBLADDER BILE OF Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) (Teleostei, Characiformes, Erythrinidae) (Ciência e Natura)
    1995 (Total: 4)
  • ACAO INIBIDORA DO Aster squamatus (SPRENG.) HIERON, SOBRE A GERMINAÇÃO DA SEMENTE DE ARROZ ( Oryza sativa) (Revista de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • doi ISSN Analysis of antidiarrhoeic effect of plants used in popular medicine (Revista de Saúde Pública / Journal of Public Health)
  • ISSN EFFECT OF HCO3 AND PH ON ION TRANSPORT IN THE FRESHWATER-ADAPTED TELEOST Anguilla anguilla. (Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research)
    1994 (Total: 3)
  • ISSN Comparação da ictiofauna de três locais do rio Vacacaí-Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Comunicações do Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS. Série Zoologia)
  • ISSN Ion transport across the isolated intestinal mucosa of Anguilla anguilla (Pisces) (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology)
  • ISSN Urophyseal control of plasma ionic concentration in Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces) exposed to osmotic stress (Ciência e Natura)
    1993 (Total: 1)
  • ISSN Effect of pH on ion and water transport on the gut of the freshwater teleost, Synbranchus marmoratus (Ciência e Cultura (SBPC))
    1992 (Total: 1)
  • Estudo epidemiológico sobre o consumo de drogas ilícitas no meio estudantil de Santa Maria (Revista de Saúde da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
    1990 (Total: 2)
  • Effect of luminal pH on the gastric motility of the teleost Hoplias malabaricus (Boletim de Fisiologia Animal Usp)
  • Gallbladder bile and plasma ionic content of some freshwater teleosts (Boletim Fisiologia Animal Usp)
    1988 (Total: 1)
  • Plasma ionic and osmotic concentrations of two freshwater teleosts, Prochilodus affinis and Prochilodus marggravii in different gonadal stages (Boletim de Fisiologia Animal Usp)
    1987 (Total: 1)
  • ISSN Respiratory mechanism and metabolic adaptation of an intertidal crab, Chasmagnathus granulata (Dana, 1851) (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology)
    2024 (Total: 1)
  • doi Impacts of Climate Change on the Parasite¿Host Relationship in Freshwater Aquaculture (The Future of Amazonian Aquatic Biota)
    2023 (Total: 3)
  • doi Ciência, tecnologia e inovação voltadas à produção otimizada de peixes (I Simpósio de Investigação em Produção Animal)
  • Homeopatia aplicada à aquicultura (Sanidade de Organismos Aquáticos: avanços no diagnóstico, controle e monitoramento de doenças)
  • Os efeitos benéficos das plantas do gênero Citrus no estado de saúde dos peixes (Sanidade de Organismos Aquáticos: avanços no diagnóstico, controle e monitoramento de doenças)
    2022 (Total: 1)
  • Plant essential oils and phytochemicals against aeromonosis in tropical fish (International Webinar One Health Over Borders)
    2021 (Total: 5)
  • Analgesia, anesthesia, and euthanasia of aquatic animals (Aquaculture Pharmacology)
  • Gender manipulators and spawning aids (Aquaculture Pharmacology)
  • General introduction to pharmacology of aquatic animals (Aquaculture Pharmacology)
  • General introduction to toxicology of aquatic animals (Aquaculture Toxicology)
  • Técnicas de reprodução em peixes (Biotécnicas Aplicadas à Reprodução Animal e à Humana)
    2020 (Total: 3)
  • Internacionalização do Programa de Pós-graduação em Farmacologia (Transdiciplinaridade nas ciências e nas artes)
  • Jundiá (Rhamdia sp.) (Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil)
  • Produção de peixes nativos no Brasil nos últimos anos e perspectivas (Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil)
    2019 (Total: 3)
  • Aditivos prebióticos e probióticos na alimentação de peixes - implicações e alterações na microbiota e histologia do trato digestório (Inovação em ciência e tecnologia de alimentos 3)
  • Anatomy of teleosts and elasmobranchs (Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish)
  • Osmotic and ionic regulation (Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish)
    2017 (Total: 3)
  • Aditivos no transporte de animais aquáticos (Farmacologia aplicada à aquicultura)
  • Promotores da reprodução e inversão sexual (Farmacologia aplicada à aquicultura)
  • Promotores de crescimento na aquicultura (Farmacologia aplicada à aquicultura)
    2015 (Total: 1)
  • Óleo essencial de Lippia alba: aplicação na aquicultura (Aquicultura no Brasil: novas perspectivas)
    2014 (Total: 2)
  • Anatomia de teleósteos e elasmobrânquios (Biologia e Fisiologia de Peixes Neotropicais de Água Doce)
  • Regulação osmótica e iônica (Biologia e Fisiologia de Peixes Neotropicais de Água Doce)
    2010 (Total: 1)
  • Jundiá (Rhamdia sp). (Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil)
    2009 (Total: 1)
  • Incubação e desenvolvimento de peixes aplicados à piscicultura: necessidades e cuidados (Manejo e sanidade de peixes em cultivo)
    2008 (Total: 1)
  • Técnicas de reprodução em peixes (Biotécnicas aplicadas à produção animal)
    2007 (Total: 2)
  • Diet and osmoregulation (Fish Osmoregulation)
  • Effect of water pH and hardness on survival and growth of freshwater teleosts (Fish Osmoregulation)
    2006 (Total: 1)
  • Dureza da água, sobrevivência e crescimento de teleósteos de água doce (AquaCiência 2004 - Tópicos especiais em biologia aquática e aqüicultura)
    2005 (Total: 1)
  • Jundiá (Rhamdia sp.) (Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil)
    2004 (Total: 3)
  • Biologia do jundiá (Criação do jundiá)
  • Qualidade da água (Criação do jundiá)
  • Reprodução (Criação do jundiá)
    2003 (Total: 1)
  • Osmoregulatory adaptations of freshwater teleosts (Fish adaptations)
    2009 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiologia de peixes aplicada à piscicultura
    2013 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiologia de peixes aplicada à piscicultura
    2002 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiologia de peixes aplicada à piscicultura
    2022 (Total: 3)
  • Aquaculture Pathophysiology - vol. I. Finfish diseases
  • Aquaculture Pathophysiology - vol. II. Crustacean and Molluscan diseases
  • Current Advances and Challenges in Fisheries and Aquaculture Science: Feature Papers for the New Journey of Fishes
    2021 (Total: 2)
  • Aquaculture Pharmacology
  • Aquaculture Toxicology
    2020 (Total: 1)
  • Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil
    2019 (Total: 1)
  • Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish
    2014 (Total: 1)
  • Biologia e Fisiologia de Peixes Neotropicais de Água Doce
    2007 (Total: 1)
  • Fish Osmoregulation
    2005 (Total: 1)
  • Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil
    2004 (Total: 1)
  • Criação do jundiá
    2017 (Total: 1)
  • Farmacologia aplicada à aquicultura
    2010 (Total: 1)
  • Espécies nativas para piscicultura no Brasil
    2014 (Total: 1)
  • ISSN Clove oil, eugenol effective anesthetics for silver catfish, other Brazilian species (Global Aquaculture Advocate)
    2011 (Total: 1)
  • ISSN Fisiologia aplicada ao cultivo do jundiá (Panorama da Aquicultura)
    2004 (Total: 1)
  • Silver catfish culture (World Aquaculture Magazine)
    2003 (Total: 1)
  • The emerging silver catfish culture in Latin America (Aquaculture Magazine)
    2002 (Total: 1)
  • Jundiá- Um grande peixe para a região Sul (Panorama da Aqüicultura)
    2000 (Total: 1)
  • Jundiá - Universidade gaúcha gera tecnologia e dá apoio aos piscicultores (Panorama da Aqüicultura)
    1983 (Total: 1)
  • Identificação de filés de pescado através de eletroenfoque (Boletim Informativo do DIPES)
    2016 (Total: 1)
  • The efficacy of linalool on transportation and anesthesia of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Crustacea, Penaeidae) (FENACAM & LACQUA)
    2006 (Total: 1)
  • Triterpenóide isolado das partes aéreas de Senecio selloi Spreng. DC.: avaliação das atividades antiinflamatória e anestésica geral (XIV Jornadas de Jovens Pesquisadores da AUGM)
    2024 (Total: 1)
  • Changes in the morphology of the intestinal tract and antioxidant response of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) supplemented with Cymbopogon flexuosus and naturally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila (Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2024)
    2021 (Total: 6)
  • Desempenho de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) alimentados com dieta contendo linalol (Aquaciência 2021)
  • Efeitos de R-(+)-limoneno sobre parâmetros histológicos das brânquias de Rhamdia quelen infectados com Aeromonas hydrophila (30 Congresso Brasileiro de Zootecnia)
  • O óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta, Mentha piperita, na dieta melhora a atividade das enzimas digestivas de juvenis de tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (Aquaciência 2021)
  • R-(+)-limoneno melhora parâmetros bioquímicos de Rhamdia quelen infectado com Aeromonas hydrophila (Aquaciência 2021)
  • Suplementação dietética com óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta, Mentha piperita, sobre o crescimento e composição de juvenis de tilápia-do-Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (Aquaciência 2021)
  • Uso de compostos isolados de plantas para o tratamento in vivo da acantocefalose no tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Aquaciência 2021)
    2019 (Total: 3)
  • Avaliação da taxa de mortalidade em transporte simulado de pós-larvas de Macrobrachium rosenbergii expostas a diferentes concentrações do óleo essencial de Aloysia triphylla (Fenacam)
  • Efeito da dureza da água sobre o potencial anestésico do óleo essencial de Aloysia triphylla em pós-larvas de Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Fenacam)
    2012 (Total: 6)
  • Chemical composition of the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla in different seasons (44o Congresso Brasileiro de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental)
  • Efeito do ácido húmico sobre parâmetros oxidativos em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) (XLVII Congresso Anual da SBFis e III Encontro Científico do Programa Multicêntrico de Pós em Ciências Fisiológicas)
  • Larvicidal activity of the essential oil of Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc against Coenagrionidae (Odonata) (XXII Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil)
  • Níveis iônicos no conteúdo do trato gastrintestinal de peixes teleósteos de água doce e marinho-estuarinos (Aquaciência)
  • Redox profile of liver of silver catfish subjected to MS222 anesthesia (44o Congresso Brasileiro de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental)
  • Sedative activity of caryophyllene oxide in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Simpósio Brasileiro de Farmacognosia)
    2011 (Total: 8)
  • Acetylcholinesterase activity and metabolic responses of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) transported in water containing methanolic extract of Condalia buxifolia (FESBE)
  • Anesthetic efficacy of eugenol and the essential oil of Lippia alba and Aloysia in post-larve and adults of Litopenaeus vannamei (Word Aquaculture 2011)
  • Anesthetic induction and recovery in transport of Hipocampus reidi exposed to the essential oil of Lippia alba (Word Aquaculture 2011)
  • Effect of eugenol and essential oil of Lippia alba on biochemical parameters in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen submitted to transportation (World Aquaculture 2011)
  • Efficacy of the essential oil of Aloysia triphyilla as anesthetic and for transport of two strains of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Word Aquaculture 2011)
  • Metabolic responses of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen to transportation in water with eugenol and essential oil of Lippia alba (World Aquaculture 2011)
  • Transportation of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen in water with eugenol and the essential oil of Lippia alba (World Aquaculture 2011)
  • Use of Aloysia triphylla as a stress-reducing agent in the transport of large silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Word Aquaculture 2011)
    2010 (Total: 8)
  • Alterações oxidativas em jundiás submetidos à anestesia com óleo essencial de Aloysia triphylla (V Simpósio Iberoamericano de Plantas Medicinais)
  • Atividade das ecto-enzimas NTPDase e 5'nucleotidase em cérebro total de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) adaptados a diferentes salinidades da água (FESBE 2010)
  • Atividade das enzimas catalase e superóxido dismutase em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) transportados com água com diferentes substâncias anestésicas adicionadas (FESBE 2010)
  • Avaliação da toxicidade do hidróxido de trifenilestanho em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) (2o Encontro Brasileiro sobre Especiação Química)
  • Avaliação do perfil redox no fígado de Colossoma macropomum exposto a hiperóxia em presença e ausência de manganês (FESBE 2010)
  • Effect of in vivo exposure to Lippia alba and Condalia buxifolia extracts on the composition of silver catfish fillets (XX Congresso Pan-Americano de Farmácia e XIV Congresso da Federação Farmacêutica Sul-Americana)
  • Essential oil composition of leaves of Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook) Troncoso collected at different development stages (V Simpósio Iberoamericano de Plantas Medicinais)
  • Potencialization of the anesthetic effect of Lippia alba N.E. (Mill) Brown with diazepam (V Simpósio Iberoamericano de Plantas Medicinais)
    2009 (Total: 8)
  • Alterações oxidativas em cérebro de Leporinus macrocephalus expostos à hipóxia (IX Congresso de Etologia do Brasil e III Congresso Latino Americano de Ecologia)
  • Composition and antibacterial activity of extracts of Aloysia triphylla (L'Herit.) Britton obtained by supercritical fluid extraction (41o Congresso Brasileiro de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental)
  • Efeito de diferentes concentrações de oxigênio sobre as alterações oxidativas em brânquias de piavuçus (Leporinus macrocephalus) (FESBE 2009)
  • Effect of the essential oil of Lippia alba and the methanolic extract of Condalia buxifolia in the transport of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, juveniles (41o Congresso Brasileiro de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental)
  • Eficácia de substâncias anestésicas durante o transporte de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (FESBE 2009)
  • Estabilidade lipídica de filés de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos in vivo a Lippia alba e Condalia buxifolia durante o armazenamento congelado (8o Simpósio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos)
  • Interferência do pH e dureza da água na indução e recuperação anestésica de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen, expostos a diferentes concentrações de eugenol (FESBE)
  • Perfil lipídico e composição centesimal de filés de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos in vivo a diferentes concentrações de Lippia alba e Condalia buxifolia (8o Simpósio Latino Americano de Ciência dos Alimentos)
    2008 (Total: 2)
  • Effect of different water pH levels in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen juveniles infested with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (World Aquaculture 2008)
  • Sal comum e a sobrevivência de larvas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) submetidas a diferentes concentrações de nitrito (NO2-) (Aquaciência 2008: Desafios e Inovação)
    2007 (Total: 7)
  • Acumulação tecidual de Th em juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) (59 Reunião Anual da SBPC)
  • Alterações oxidativas em fígado de piavas (Leporinus obtusidens) expostos a distintas concentrações de oxigênio (59 Reunião Anual da SBPC)
  • Desenvolvimento de juvenis de jundiá: interação pH e suplementação de sal na dieta (XVII Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Impact of thorium contamination on Rhamdia quelen gill, liver and muscle (7th International Congress of Comparative Physioogy and Biochemistry)
  • Net ion fluxes in the fishes Hoplosternum littorale and Arapaima gigas exposed to different Amazonian waters (7th International Congress of Comparative Physioogy and Biochemistry)
  • Relationship between salinity and sodium levels of the plasma and gastrointestinal content of some teleosts (7th International Congress of Comparative Physioogy and Biochemistry)
  • Survival and growth of silvr catfish Rhamdia quelen juveniles exposed to NH3 levels and different levels of dietary and waterborne Ca2+ (7th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)
    2006 (Total: 12)
  • Análise de cor e oxidação de filés de dourado (Salminus maxillosus) tratados com extrato de erva-mate durante o armazenamento congelado (XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos)
  • Antioxidant defenses of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) in different dissolved oxygen levels (41st Congress of the Brazilian Physiological Society)
  • Água contaminada com cádmio altera resposta comportamental ao estímulo do predador (XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia)
  • Efeito do pH da água em juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) infestados com Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Extrato de Condalia buxifolia como agente tranquilizante em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Influência sazonal na composição centesimal de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) (XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos)
  • Interação pH e dureza da água no crescimento de juvenis de jundiá (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Níveis de cortisol em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) expostos ao óleo de cravo (eugenol) e extrato de Condalia buxifolia (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Qualidade da água e o cultivo do jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Temperatura da água no Rio Grande do Sul e suas implicações para piscicultura (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Tempo de indução e recuperação anestésica em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) expostos ao óleo de cravo (eugenol) (Aquaciência 2006)
  • Thorium induced change on antioxidants levels in the eyes of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (41st Congress of the Brazilian Physiological Society)
    2005 (Total: 9)
  • Alcalinidade da água altera toxicidade do cádmio em larvas de jundiá (XX Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental)
  • Análise da morfologia e da histologia do trato digestório de teleósteos com diferentes hábitos alimentares (XX Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental)
  • Carbofuran e a atividade da acetilcolinesterase em diferentes tecidos de carpa capim (Ctenopharyngodon idella) (XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Crescimento, sobrevivência e níveis iônicos corporais em juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) alimentados com rações suplementadas com sal comum (XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Dietas suplementadas com cálcio no desenvolvimento de jundiás de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) em diferentes níveis de pH da água (XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Mitochondria-rich cell distribution in silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) larvae (XX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Micronanálise)
  • Modelo matemático para crescimento de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) (XX Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental)
  • Níveis de glicose, glicogênio, proteína e atividade da catalase de alevinos de jundiá em diferentes concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido (XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Sobrevivência e crescimento de alevinos de jundiá em diferentes concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido (XVI Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
    2004 (Total: 1)
  • Desenvolvimento embrionário do jundiá, Rhamdia quelen, em água contaminada por cádmio em duas diferentes durezas (VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia)
    2003 (Total: 6)
  • Alterações metabólicas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes concentrações de amônia (XVIII Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental)
  • Assessment of waterborne and dietary factors affecting metal toxicity in fish: towards chronic biotic ligand models (BLMs) (Metals in the Environment: Research Network (MITE-RN))
  • Efeito dos herbicidas 2,4diamina e do quinclorac sobre a atividade da enzima acetilcolinesterase em jundiás (XVIII Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental)
  • Eficacia do sal comum (NaCl no tratamento do protozoario Ichthyohthirius multifiliis (doença dos pontos brancos) em alevinos de juindiá (Rhamdia quelen) (XV Encontro Brasileiro de Ictiologia)
  • Interactions among water pH, Ca+2, and Mg+2 on incubation of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen, Pimelodidae, eggs (World Aquaculture 2003)
  • The culture of silver catfish (jundiá) Rhamdia quelen (World Aquaculture 2003)
    2004 (Total: 5)
  • Chloride levels in the gastrointestinal content of three teleost species with different feeding habits (VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish)
  • Dietary calcium affects dietary and waterborne cadmium contamination in rainbow trout (VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish)
  • Morphology and early development of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) embryos and larvae (VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish)
  • Ontogenetic ammonia excretion in silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Heptateridae) (VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish)
  • Water ph and urinary excretion in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) (VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish)

Produção Técnica

    2019 (Total: 1)
    2021 (Total: 1)
  • Coordenador da sessão - Fisiologia aplicada à Aquicultura
    2019 (Total: 1)
  • symposium "Osmoregulatory adaptations of aquatic animals to environmental changes" in The 10th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
    2018 (Total: 1)
  • Workshop Aquicultura
    2010 (Total: 1)
  • III Workshop sobre jundiá
    2007 (Total: 1)
  • Workshop sobre jundiá
    1998 (Total: 1)
  • XXVII Encontro de Ciências Fisiológicas do Rio Grande do Sul
    1994 (Total: 1)
  • XXIII Encontro Anual de Ciências Fisiológicas do Rio Grande do Sul
    2023 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiología de Peces
    2021 (Total: 2)
  • Endocrinología de la reproducción de peces
  • Fisiología de Peces
    2019 (Total: 1)
  • Procesos biológicos de interés en acuicultura: aspectos básicos y aplicados
    2018 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiología de peces
    2016 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiología de peces
    2014 (Total: 2)
  • Fisiologia de peixes
  • Fisiología de peces
    2012 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiología general de peces
    2010 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiologia general de peces
    2008 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiología general de peces
    2006 (Total: 1)
  • Fisiologia general de peces
    2022 (Total: 1)
  • Acuicultura en Brasil
    2021 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito da contaminação por metais na fisiologia e bioquímica de peixes de água doce
    2018 (Total: 1)
  • Uso de anestésicos em aquicultura
    2016 (Total: 1)
  • Publicación científica: el punto de vista del editor
    2011 (Total: 2)
  • Ion levels in the gastrointestinal tract content and plasma of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen exposed to different salinity levels
  • Water hardness and pH affect survival and growth of silver catfish
    2018 (Total: 1)
  • Aceites esenciales: perspectivas de utilización en acuicultura
    2011 (Total: 3)
  • Processo de obtenção de composto anestésico de Lippia alba, composto obtido e uso de composto como anestésico
  • Processo de obtenção de extrato antimicrobiano de Lippia alba, extrato obtido, e, composição antimicrobiana
  • Processo de obtenção de extrato antiprotozoário de plantas medicinais, extrato obtido, composição antiprotozoária e, uso de extrato de plantas
    2010 (Total: 2)
  • Composições anestésicas à base de extrato vegetal para animais aquáticos e método de sedação e/ou anestesia de animais aquáticos compreendendo as mesmas
  • Composições anestésicas para animais aquáticos e método de anestesia de animais aquáticos compreendendo as mesmas
    2007 (Total: 1)
  • Composição para anestesiar e sedar peixes
    2020 (Total: 1)
  • Uso de Peixes como Modelo Experimental na Pesquisa Científica
    2025 (Total: 24)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2024 (Total: 28)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2023 (Total: 28)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2022 (Total: 28)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2021 (Total: 28)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2020 (Total: 27)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENTIA AGRICOLA'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2019 (Total: 22)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE REPORTS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2018 (Total: 24)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Frontiers in Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Scientific Reports'
  • Revisor de periódico 'SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2017 (Total: 22)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE NUTRITION'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Scientific Reports'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2016 (Total: 19)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2015 (Total: 18)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2014 (Total: 18)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2013 (Total: 18)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2012 (Total: 18)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'AQUACULTURE RESEARCH'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Biochemical Systematics and Ecology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2011 (Total: 15)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Physiology & Behavior'
  • Revisor de periódico 'ZOOLOGIA-CURITIBA'
    2010 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
    2009 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
    2008 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Fish Physiology and Biochemistry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
    2007 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Chemosphere (Oxford )'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Neotropical Ichthyology'
    2006 (Total: 10)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture International'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquatic Toxicology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2005 (Total: 10)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Amazonica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture International'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2004 (Total: 6)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Scientiarum (UEM)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Aquaculture (Amsterdam)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2003 (Total: 5)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Scientiarum (UEM)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (0046-9939)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2002 (Total: 5)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Acta Scientiarum (UEM)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2001 (Total: 4)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Applied Aquaculture'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of the World Aquaculture Society'
    2000 (Total: 2)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
    1999 (Total: 2)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Ciência Rural'
    1998 (Total: 1)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'
    1997 (Total: 1)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Atlântica'

Produção Artística

Não informado

Orientações Concluídas

    2023 (Total: 1)
  • Avaliação da nanoemulsão do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon flexuosus como nutracêutico funcional para peixes
    2022 (Total: 1)
  • Triagem de óleos essenciais de plantas nativas para o desenvolvimento de novos sedativos e anestésicos para peixes
    2021 (Total: 1)
  • Óleo essencial de Nectandra grandiflora na dieta de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) antes e depois da hipóxia: estresse oxidativo e desempenho zootécnico
    2020 (Total: 1)
  • Produtos naturais como sedativos, anestésicos e antinociceptivos para peixes
    2019 (Total: 2)
  • Atividade antimicrobiana e antioxidante de R(+)- limoneno e S(-) limoneno frente à Aeromonas hydrophila, Citrobacter freundii e Raoutella ornithinolytica
  • Extratos de Hesperozygis ringens (Benth.) Epling como antibacterianos em piscicultura
    2018 (Total: 3)
  • Atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de Maclura tinctoria (L) D. Don ex Steud contra patógenos de peixes
  • Potencial antibacteriano de fitoquímicos isolados ou em combinação com antimicrobianos frente a bactérias patogênicas para peixes
  • Uso do eugenol e óleo essencial de Lippia alba como agentes anestésicos e sedativos para a arraia cururu Potamotrygon wallacei (Chondrichthyes - Potamotrygonidae)
    2017 (Total: 2)
  • ­Ação da rutina e oxitetraciclina sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos e oxidativos em tecidos de Rhamdia quelen
  • Ação do linalol e espatulenol em receptores para barbitúricos em peixes
    2015 (Total: 2)
  • Ação do óleo essencial de Hyptis mutabilis em Rhamdia quelen parasitados com Ichthyophthirius multifiliis e seus efeitos em peixes sadios
  • Atividade depressora central da (+)-deidrofuquinona em peixes
    2014 (Total: 3)
  • Composição do conteúdo gastrintestinal e enzimas digestivas em teleósteos com diferentes hábitos alimentares
  • Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Óleo essencial de Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown como aditivo em rações e sua influência no metabolismo, osmorregulação e endocrinologia
  • O uso do eugenol contra Aeromonas hydrophila e seu efeito em parâmetros hematológicos e imunológicos em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen)
    2013 (Total: 2)
  • Adição do óleo essencial de Lippia alba (Mill) N. E. Brown na dieta do jundiá: Análise do crescimento e da resposta antioxidante
  • Crescimento e perfil oxidativo de juvenis de Rhamdia quelen submetidos a diferentes níveis de vitamina E (alfa-tocoferol) na dieta
    2012 (Total: 1)
  • Parâmetros do estresse oxidativo e viabilidade mitocondrial em tecidos de jundiás expostos ao manganês e diferentes concentrações de oxigênio
    2011 (Total: 4)
  • Anestesia de jundiás cinza e albinos em banho de imersão com metanosulfonato de tricaína ou propofol
  • Atividade anestésica em robalos-peva (Centropomus parallelus) e caracterização química do óleo essencial das folhas de Nectandra megapotamica (Lauraceae)
  • Ácido húmico e hipóxia moderada alteram parâmetros oxidativos e fisiológicos em diferentes tecidos de jundiás Rhamdia quelen
  • Metais em água, sedimento e duas espécies de peixes com diferentes níveis tróficos em um rio subtropical brasileiro
    2010 (Total: 2)
  • Atividade antimicrobiana e composição química de extratos de Aloysia triphylla (L'Herit) Britton obtidos por fluido supercrítico (CO2)
  • Composição e atividade anestésica do óleo essencial de Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Troncoso (Verbenaceae)
    2009 (Total: 2)
  • Feminilização em larvas de jundiá Rhamdia quelen expostas a hormônios femininos
  • Óleo de cravo como agene anestésico para jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) adaptados a diferentes níveis de pH, temperatura e dureza da água
    2008 (Total: 1)
  • Níveis iônicos no plasma e no conteúdo do trato digestório de teleósteos expostos a várias salinidades
    2007 (Total: 3)
  • Anestesia e análise sensorial em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a substâncias isoladas de plantas
  • Bioquímica e citogenética de jundiás, Rhamdia quelen, expostos a diferentes concentracões de tório
  • Parâmeros metabólicos e íons plasmáticos de piavas (Leporinus obtusidens) expostas a diferentes níveis de oxigênio dissolvido e amônia
    2006 (Total: 1)
  • Crescimento, parâmetros metabólicos e enzimáticos em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) expostos ao cobre
    2005 (Total: 6)
  • Adição de cloreto de sódio na dieta e o efeito do nitrito no crfescimento de sobrevivência de alevinos de jundiá Rhamdia quelen
  • Efeito do cádmio sobre a eclosão e larvicultura de Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) em diferentes alcalinidades da água
  • Efeito do cálcio na dieta sobre o crescimento e a sobrevivência de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae) em diferentes pH da água
  • Inclusão do sal comum (NaCl) na ração e na água para o controle de Ichthyophthirius multifiliis e crescimento de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae)
  • Interação da alcalinidade da água e densidade de estocagem em juvenis de jundiá Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae)
  • Sobrevivência, crescimento e parâmetros metabólicos teciduais em alevinos de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes níveis de oxigênio dissolvido
    2004 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito da amônia em diferentes pH da água na sobrevivência e crescimento de juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae)
    2002 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito de Aster squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron.-Asteraceae na motilidade intestinal
    2001 (Total: 3)
  • Avaliação da atividade antidiarréica de Aster squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron.
  • Incubação dos ovos, sobrevivência e crescimento de larvas de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae) em diferentes concentrações de cálcio e magnésio da água
  • Transporte de alevinos de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae) em diferentes tempos, densidades de carga e temperaturas
    2000 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito do pH e da dureza da água em alevinos e larvas de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae)
    1998 (Total: 2)
    1997 (Total: 3)
    1996 (Total: 2)
    1995 (Total: 1)
    2001 (Total: 1)
  • efeito de herbicidas na sobrevivência e crescimento de alevinos de jundiá
    1998 (Total: 2)
  • Influência do pH na sobrevivência e crescimento de larvas de jundiá
  • transporte de alevinos e revisão da biologia do jundiá
    1997 (Total: 3)
  • Ação de aminoácidos no transporte de íons nos cecos pilóricos de Hoplias malabaricus
  • Efeito do fotoperíodo e da densidade de estocagem no crescimento de alevinos de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen
  • Sobrevivência de alevinos de jundiá à variações do pH e dureza da água
    2024 (Total: 1)
  • Extratos de Hesperozygis ringens (Benth.) Epling como antibacterianos em piscicultura
    2023 (Total: 1)
  • Efeitos do R-(+)-limoneno na dieta sobre o crescimento, metabolismo, estresse e respostas antioxidantes de peixes infectados ou não com Aeromonas hydrophila
    2022 (Total: 3)
  • Infecção por Aeromonas hydrophila em jundiá: estresse e efeito terapêutico da combinação de florfenicol com linalol via banho
  • Influência do extrato de Curcuma longa (Motore®) sobre parâmetros bioquímicos e moleculares em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) experimentalmente infectados com Aeromonas hydrophila
  • Óleo essencial, hidrolato e compostos isolados de Protium heptaphyllum como anestésicos em peixes das regiões norte e sul do Brasil
    2021 (Total: 2)
  • Farmacocinética do s-(+)-linalol em jundiás (Rhamdia quelen).
  • Óleos essenciais alteram parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos em diferentes espécies de crustáceos
    2020 (Total: 4)
  • Adição do óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia na dieta de peixes minimiza efeitos tóxicos causados pelo consumo diário de aflatoxina
  • Aplicações do óleo essencial de Aloysia citriodora Paláu e ctral adicionados a água e à ração na piscicultura
  • Citral como aditivo na ração para peixes marinhos com diferentes hábitos alimentares: enzimas digestivas e parâmetros zootécnicos e metabólicos
  • Piaractus brachypomus expuestos a tallowamina-polietoxilada (POEA) y glifosato e interacciones con CaCO3: énfasis en la actividad de las células mast en el cerebro
    2019 (Total: 2)
  • Citral como aditivo na dieta de peixes eurialinos: perfil redox, imunidade inata e parâmetros hepáticos
  • Efeitos neuroendócrinos e comportamentais do aripiprazole em zebrafish
    2018 (Total: 4)
  • Efeito antibacteriano do óleo essencial de Origanum majorana e de compostos isolados na forma pura e nano encapsulada contra Aeromonas hydrophila em Rhamdia quelen
  • Efeito da quercetina sobre a toxicidade induzida pela oxitetraciclina em Rhamdia quelen
  • implicações fisiológicas do uso do óleo essencial de Lippia alba, quimiotipos linalol e citral, na anestesia de Rhamdia quelen
  • Óleos essenciais como anestésicos em serrasalmídeos e ciclo circadiano da expressão de genes relógio e das enzimas digestivas em jundiá
    2016 (Total: 6)
  • Atividade antiparasitária e composição química de óleos essenciais de espécies nativas do Brasil
  • Morfofisiologia de jundiás sedados ou anestesiados com MS222, óleo essencial de Aloysia triphylla e propofol
  • Normóxia, hipóxia e reoxigenação em jundiás frente à exposição ao manganês
  • Óleo essencial de Lippia alba como sedativo e anestésico em diversos animais aquáticos
  • Óleos essenciais de Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) dc. e Curcuma longa L. como anestésicos para peixes: efeitos sobre as respostas fisiológicas
  • Óleos essenciais de plantas como alternativa aos fármacos convencionais na produção de peixes
    2015 (Total: 1)
  • Óleos essenciais como anestésicos para peixes: aspectos bioquímicos e moleculares
    2014 (Total: 4)
  • Atividade anestésica de óleos essenciais e constituintes isolados de plantas medicinais brasileiras em Rhamdia quelen
  • Avaliação da capacidade redutora de estresse do eugenol e óleos essenciais em aquicultura
  • Extrativos vegetais com propriedades sedativas utilizados no transporte de jundiá
  • Óleo essencial de Aloysia triphylla (L?Hert.) Britton para jundiás: crescimento, transporte, parâmetros bioquímicos, metabólicos e oxidativos
    2013 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito da qualidade da água na excreção de resíduos nitrogenados e de fósforo e no comportamento de juvenis de (Rhamdia quelen)
    2012 (Total: 1)
  • Crescimento e sobrevivência de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) em diferentes concentrações de ácido húmico em pH ácido
    2011 (Total: 2)
  • Atividade anestésica e sedativa de produtos naturais no transporte de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen)
  • Óleo essencial de Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown como anestésico para peixes
    2009 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito do pH e da dureza da água na prevenção e tratamento da infestação de juvenis de jundiá por Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
    2008 (Total: 2)
  • Efeito do cloeto de sódio na dieta, pH e dureza da água na sobrevivência, crescimento e fluxos iônicos de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen)
  • Sobrevivência e crescimento de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes níveis de amônia, oxigênio dissolvido e Ca2+ na dieta e na água
    2006 (Total: 3)
  • Alimentação de alevinos e juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): horário, freqüência e granulometria da ração
  • Distribuição das células de cloreto em embriões, larvas e alevinos de jundiá. Efeito do pH e concentração de cálcio da água
    2010 (Total: 1)
  • Efeito de Aloysia triphilla no transporte de jundiás cinza e albino
    2009 (Total: 2)
  • Eugenol como agente anestésico para jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) adaptados a diferentes níveis de dureza da água
  • Rastros branquiais de teleósteos com diferentes hábitos alimentares
    2008 (Total: 3)
  • Comportamento de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) em resposta a substâncias de alarme intra e interespecíficas
  • Comportamento de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) em resposta ao odor de predadores de outras classes e filo
  • Comportamento de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos ao lantânio e expostos a substâncias de alarme intra e interespecíficas
    2006 (Total: 1)
  • Fluxo iônico em juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes níveis de oxigênio dissolvido
Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.