Felipe Crivellaro Minuzzi
Produção Bibliográfica
- 2024 (Total: 2)
- 2023 (Total: 3)
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- 2020 (Total: 3)
- 2019 (Total: 2)
- 2018 (Total: 1)
- 2017 (Total: 1)
- 2015 (Total: 1)
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Previsão da altura de ondas oceânicas usando redes neurais
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Previsão da altura significativa de ondas usando aprendizado de máquina (XI Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional do Rio Grande do Sul (XI ERMAC-RS))
- 2019 (Total: 2)
- Reaction-Diffusion Manifolds (REDIM) for the simulation of laminar counterflow diffusion flames (7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows - IWMRRF)
- REDIM simplified chemistry for the simulation of counter-flow diffusion flames with oscillating strain rates (27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS2019))
- 2018 (Total: 2)
- DRG and GQL Reduction Methods for a H2/Air Auto-Ignition Problem (Joint Meeting - The German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute)
- Simulation of methane/air non-premixed turbulent flames based on REDIM simplified chemistry (THMT 2018 - Ninth International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer)
- 2017 (Total: 1)
- doi Development of a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism for Ethanol based on DRG and Sensitivity Analysis. (CNMAC 2016 XXXVI Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional)
- 2016 (Total: 2)
- Kinetic Mechanism Reduction for Methyl Formate through depth first search and sensitivity analysis (XXXVII CILAMCE 2016)
- Obtainment of a reduced kinetic mechanism for biodiesel surrogates using directed relation graph and sensitivity analysis (XXXVII CILAMCE 2016)
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- doi Solução global das equações de Navier-Stokes em domínios finos com diferentes condições de fronteira (CMAC Sul - Congresso de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional)
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- A Generalização da Integral de Riemann através da Integral de Lebesgue (XIX Encontro Regional de Estudantes de Matemática do Sul)
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- A deep learning approach for forecasting significant wave height. (4th LatWaves)
- 2019 (Total: 2)
- Reaction-Diffusion Manifolds (REDIMs) Simplified Chemistry for the simulation of laminar and turbulent CH4 diffusion flames (9th European Combustion Meeting)
- Steady and unsteady behaviours of methane/air counterflow non-premixed flames based on REDIM reduced chemistry (17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion)
- 2017 (Total: 1)
- Some Mathematical Techniques in Obtaining Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms. (CNMAC XXXVI Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional)
- 2016 (Total: 3)
- Analysis of Diffusion Flames of Methyl Butanoate (16th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering)
- Analysis of Turbulent Diffusion Flames of Ethanol based on a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism (7º MCSul - Conferência Sul em Modelagem Computacional)
- Obtainment of a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism for Simulating Laminar Diffusion Flames of Biodiesel (7º MCSul - Conferência Sul em Modelagem Computacional)
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- Equações de Navier-Stokes em Domínios Tridimensionais com uma Dimensão Fina (VII ENAMA - Encontro Nacional de Análise Matemática e Aplicações)
- 2009 (Total: 2)
- A Decomposição em Valores Singulares na Resolução do Método dos Mínimos Quadrados Matricial (Jornada Academica Integrada)
- A Educação Matemática através da Resolução de Problemas (Jornada Academica Integrada)
Produção Técnica
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- Produção de Material Didático para cursos EAD - UNISINOS
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- Projeto Político Pedagógico do Curso de Matemática - Licenciatura - EaD
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- V Jornada de Matemática e Matemática Aplicada
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- IV Jornada de Matemática e Matemática Aplicada
- 2016 (Total: 1)
- 1ª Semana Acadêmica da Pós Graduação em Matemática da UFRGS
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Artificial Intelligence applied to ocean waves forecast: A deep learning approach to predict significant wave height
- 2009 (Total: 1)
- Minicurso - A Arte de Resolver Problermas Matemáticos
- 2016 (Total: 1)
- Analysis of Turbulent Diffusion Flames of Ethanol based on a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- A Generalização da Integral de Riemann através da Integral de Lebesgue
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- Prediction of Significant Wave Heights by an Ensemble of Neural Networks
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Previsão da altura significativa de ondas usando aprendizado de máquina
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Steady and unsteady behaviours of methane/air counterflow non-premixed flames based on REDIM reduced chemistry
- 2016 (Total: 3)
- Development of a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism for Ethanol Based on DRG and Sensitivity Analysis
- Obtainment of a Reduced Kinetic Mechanism for Biodiesel Surrogates Using Directed Relation Graph and Sensitivity Analysis
- Some Mathematical Techniques in Obtaining Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- Solução Global das Equações de Navier-Stokes em Domínios Finos com Diferentes Condições de Fronteira
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- Equações de Navier-Stokes em Domínios Tridimensionais com uma Dimensão Fina
- 2009 (Total: 2)
- A Decomposição em Valores Singulares na Resolução do Método dos Mínimos Quadrados Matricial
- A Educação Matemática através da Resolução de Problemas
- 2018 (Total: 1)
- Simulation of methane/air non-premixed turbulent flames based on REDIM simplified chemistry
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Combustion and Flame
- 2023 (Total: 2)
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Ciência e Natura
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Ocean Modelling
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Combustion, Theory and Modelling
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Combustion, Theory and Modelling
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Parecer Ad-Hoc para revista Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Produção Artística
Não informado
Orientações Concluídas
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Uma abordagem analítica e numérica sobre um sistema de equações diferenciais não-linear: O atrator de Lorenz