Dyana Cristine Duarte
Produção Bibliográfica
- 2024 (Total: 2)
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- 2021 (Total: 3)
- 2020 (Total: 2)
- 2019 (Total: 3)
- 2017 (Total: 3)
- 2016 (Total: 3)
- 2011 (Total: 1)
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- Cálculo II
- 2019 (Total: 2)
- Minkowski-space solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator with the rainbow-ladder truncation (18th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2019))
- Towards Minkowski space solutions of Dyson-Schwinger Equations through un-Wick rotation (Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era - 2018 (NTSE-2018))
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- doi Non-perturbative description of self-interacting charged scalar field at finite temperature and in the presence of an external magnetic field (XII HADRON PHYSICS)
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic effective field theory (III Encontro de Primavera da SBF)
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic models for dense matter (XIX Mexican School of Particles and Fields)
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- 3-Flavor extension of the excluded volume model for the hard-core repulsion (Excited QCD)
- 2019 (Total: 3)
- Nakanishi Integral Representation for the Solution of Dyson-Schwinger Equation in Minkowski space (XIX Escola de Verão Jorge André Swieca de Física Nuclear Teórica)
- QCD at flnite isospin density: Nambu--Jona-Lasinio confronts chiral perturbation theory and lattice data (XLII Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics)
- Solutions of DSE in Minkowski space via Nakanishi Integral Representation (Simpósio do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Física Nuclear e Aplicações)
- 2018 (Total: 2)
- No gapless 2SC color superconducting phase for two flavor quark matter at high density (XIV Hadron Physics)
- Phase transitions of cold and dense quark matter in an external magnetic field (XLI Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics)
- 2017 (Total: 1)
- Quark matter with a chiral imbalance in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model (Escola de Verão Jorge André Swieca de Física Nuclear Teórica)
- 2016 (Total: 1)
- Exploring the BEC-BCS crossover in a cold and magnetized 2-color QCD (7th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics)
- 2015 (Total: 1)
- Relativistic BEC-BCS crossover in a magnetized Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model (XIII Hadron Physics)
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- Thermodynamics and phase transition of the O(N) model from the Optimized Perturbation Theory (Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos)
- 2012 (Total: 4)
- Effective potential at fixed charge and temperature: A nonperturbative description (Encontro Mineiro de Física)
- Non perturbative description of self-interacting charged scalar field at finite temperature and in the presence of an external magnetic field (XII HADRON PHYSICS)
- Nonperturbative description of phase transitions in scalar field theory under extreme conditions (Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos)
- Nonperturbative description of the thermal scalar effective potential at fixed charge (Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos)
Produção Técnica
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- Escola de Inverno de Física da UFSM
- 2008 (Total: 1)
- Ciência e Arte
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- IV Simpósio INCT-FNA
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- 3-flavor extension of the excluded volume model for the hard-core repulsion
- 2018 (Total: 2)
- Phase transitions of cold and dense quark matter in an external magnetic field
- Relativistic BEC-BCS crossover in a cold/magnetized NJL model
- 2012 (Total: 4)
- Effective potential at fixed charge and temperature: A nonperturbative description
- Non perturbative description of self-interacting charged scalar field at finite temperature and in the presence of an external magnetic field
- Nonperturbative description of phase transitions in scalar field theory under extreme conditions
- Nonperturbative description of the thermal scalar effective potential at fixed charge
- 2010 (Total: 1)
- Effective potential at finite temperature in a constant magnetic field: scalar field with a quartic interaction in optimized perturbation theory
- 2024 (Total: 4)
- 4 lectures: Introduction to Quarkyonic Matter I and II, Minkowski space solution of the fermion Dyson- Schwinger equation (and a little bit more), The BEC-BCS crossover of QCD
- Exploring the Dyson-Schwinger equations and the pion in Minkowski space
- Introdução à Física das Interações Fortes
- Quarkyonic effective field theory
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic effective field theory
- 2022 (Total: 2)
- Dyson-Schwinger quark model with dynamical mass generation in Minkowski space
- Exploring the Dyson-Schwinger equation in Minkowski space
- 2021 (Total: 2)
- Exploring the Dyson-Schwinger equation in Minkowski space
- Quarkyonic models for dense matter
- 2017 (Total: 2)
- Efeitos das neutralidades de carga elétrica e de cor na matéria de quarks densa
- Quark matter with a chiral imbalance in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model
- 2016 (Total: 1)
- Exploring the BEC-BCS crossover in a cold and magnetized 2-color QCD
- 2015 (Total: 2)
- Matéria de quarks na presença de campos magnéticos fortes: diagrama de fases e aplicações
- Relativistic BEC-BCS crossover in a magnetized Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- Thermodynamics and phase transition of the O(N) model from the Optimized Perturbation Theory
- 2012 (Total: 1)
- Transições de Fase e Termodinâmica de uma Teoria Quântica de Campos Escalares na Presença de um Campo Magnético Externo
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Nakanishi Integral Representation for the solution of Dyson-Schwinger equation in Minkowski space
- 2024 (Total: 1)
- A teoria das interações fortes
- 2023 (Total: 2)
- As fases da QCD
- O diagrama de fases da QCD - Novas perspectivas
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic effective field theory
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic effective field theory
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic matter and the EoS of neutron stars
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- Quarkyonic models for the EoS of dense matter
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Solutions of DSE in Minkowski space via Nakanishi Integral Representation
- 2025 (Total: 2)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A'
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2024 (Total: 2)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A'
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2023 (Total: 2)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A'
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2022 (Total: 2)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A'
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2020 (Total: 1)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2018 (Total: 1)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
- 2017 (Total: 1)
- Revisor de periódico 'EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C'
Produção Artística
Não informado
Orientações Concluídas
- 2023 (Total: 1)
- Termodinâmica e transições de fase existentes na matéria de quarks com desbalanceamento quiral
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- Relatório de Monitoria de Física Geral I