Maurício Scopel Hoffmann

Produção Bibliográfica

    2024 (Total: 12)
  • doi ISSN Adverse childhood experiences and crime outcomes in early adulthood: A multi-method approach in a Brazilian birth cohort (PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN An Evaluation of Item Harmonization Strategies Between Assessment Tools of Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents (ASSESSMENT)
  • doi ISSN Associations between a Brazilian suicide awareness campaign and suicide trends from 2000 to 2019: Joinpoint and regression discontinuity analysis (JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS)
  • doi ISSN Beyond frequency: Evaluating the validity of assessing the context, duration, ability, and botherment of depression and anxiety symptoms in South Brazil. (PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT)
  • doi ISSN Comparing mental health semi-structured diagnostic interviews and symptom checklists to predict poor life outcomes: an 8-year cohort study from childhood to young adulthood in Brazil (Lancet Global Health)
  • doi ISSN Effects of mental health status during adolescence on primary care costs in adulthood across three British cohorts (SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Experience of Service Questionnaire (ESQ) in children and adolescents: factor structure, reliability, validity, item parameters and interpretability of the parent version for practical use in Greece (Journal Of Patient-Reported Outcomes)
  • doi ISSN How much or how often? Examining the screening properties of the DSM cross-cutting symptom measure in a youth population-based sample (PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE)
  • doi ISSN Moderating Effects of Diagnosis and Gender on the Influence of Age on Electroconvulsive Therapy Outcome (ACTA NEUROPSYCHIATRICA)
  • doi ISSN Perinatal and neonatal factors and mental disorders in children and adolescents: looking for the contributions of the early environment to common and dissociable aspects of psychopathology (EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Trajectories of positive attributes from childhood to young adulthood and its associations with threat and deprivation (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA)
  • doi ISSN Using natural language processing to facilitate the harmonisation of mental health questionnaires: a validation study using real-world data (BMC Psychiatry)
    2023 (Total: 8)
  • doi ISSN A systematic review of evidence-based interventions for child and adolescent mental health problems in low- and middle-income countries (COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Depression in mothers at childhood: Direct and indirect association with problematic gaming in late adolescence/young adulthood (JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Efficacy of school-based interventions for mental health problems in children and adolescents in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Frontiers in Psychiatry)
  • doi ISSN Estimated Prevalence of Perinatal Depression in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Considering Uncertainty of Test Properties (JAMA Psychiatry)
  • doi ISSN Harmonizing bifactor models of psychopathology between distinct assessment instruments: Reliability, measurement invariance, and authenticity (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODS IN PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Parent- and teacher-reported associations from adolescent bifactor models of psychopathology: an outcome-wide association study of 26 outcomes in mid-life (JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Relative impact of diagnosis and clinical stage on response to electroconvulsive therapy: a retrospective cohort (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA)
  • doi ISSN Translating measurement into practice: Brazilian norms for the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) for assessing depressive symptoms (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA)
    2022 (Total: 12)
  • doi ISSN Caregiver monitoring, but not caregiver warmth, is associated with general cognition in two large sub¿samples of youth (DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE)
  • doi ISSN Childhood individual and family modifiable risk factors for criminal conviction: a 7-year cohort study from Brazil (Scientific Reports)
  • doi ISSN Closed doors: Predictors of stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil (JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS)
  • doi ISSN Deviations from a typical development of the cerebellum in youth are associated with psychopathology, executive functions and educational outcomes (PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE)
  • doi ISSN Disentangling the influences of parental genetics on offspring's cognition, education, and psychopathology via genetic and phenotypic pathways (JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY)
  • ISSN Health Service Costs in Adulthood Associated with Adolescent Mental Health Problems in Three British Cohorts (Journal Of Mental Health Policy And Economics)
  • doi ISSN Mental health help-seeking among Brazilian medical students: Who suffers unassisted? (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Parsing the Effects of Threat and Deprivation Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Multiple Domains of Cognitive Functioning in Two Large-Scale Datasets of Youth (BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Reliability and validity of bifactor models of dimensional psychopathology in youth. (Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science)
  • doi ISSN Threat and deprivation are associated with distinct aspects of cognition, emotional processing and psychopathology in children and adolescents (DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE)
  • doi ISSN Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Higher Education Stress Inventory (HESI-Br) (TRENDS IN PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY)
  • doi ISSN Utilisation and costs of mental health-related service use among adolescents (PLoS One)
    2021 (Total: 8)
  • doi ISSN Childhood poverty and mental health disorders in early adulthood: evidence from a Brazilian cohort study (EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Common and specific aspects of anxiety and depression and the metabolic syndrome (JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Latent structure and factor reliability of the National Health Service Community Mental Health Service User Questionnaire (Journal of Mental Health)
  • doi ISSN Loneliness, but not social distancing, is associated with the incidence of suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 outbreak: a longitudinal study (JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS)
  • doi ISSN Longitudinal associations between positive attributes and psychopathology and their interactive effects on educational outcomes (EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Subjective Well-Being and Psychopathology Symptoms: Mental Health Profiles and their Relations with Academic Achievement in Brazilian Children (Child Indicators Research)
  • doi ISSN Telomere length and epigenetic age acceleration in adolescents with anxiety disorders (Scientific Reports)
  • doi ISSN The impact of child psychiatric conditions on future educational outcomes among a community cohort in Brazil (Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences)
    2020 (Total: 3)
  • doi ISSN Development and validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Reported and Intended Behaviour Scale (RIBS-BP). (STIGMA AND HEALTH)
  • doi ISSN Independent and interactive associations of temperament dimensions with educational outcomes in young adolescents (LEARNING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES)
  • doi ISSN Prospective associations between hsCRP and GlycA inflammatory biomarkers and depression: The Brazilian longitudinal study of adult health (ELSA-Brasil) (JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS)
    2019 (Total: 3)
  • doi ISSN Delayed creatine supplementation counteracts reduction of GABAergic function and protects against seizures susceptibility after traumatic brain injury in rats (PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Early Emotional Symptoms Predicting Carotid Atherosclerosis in Youth: Results From a Birth Cohort in Latin America (Journal of the American Heart Association)
  • doi ISSN Genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease and functional brain connectivity in children and adolescents (NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING)
    2018 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN Childhood trauma and adolescent psychotic experiences in a community-based cohort: The potential role of positive attributes as a protective factor (SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations of Temperament and Mental Disorders in Youth (CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT)
    2017 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN Compulsory psychiatric treatment checklist: Instrument development and clinical application (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Specific and social fears in children and adolescents: separating normative fears from problem indicators and phobias (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA)
    2016 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN A General Psychopathology Factor (P Factor) in Children: Structural Model Analysis and External Validation Through Familial Risk and Child Global Executive Function. (JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY)
  • doi ISSN Heat stroke during long-term clozapine treatment: should we be concerned about hot weather? (Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)
    2015 (Total: 1)
  • doi ISSN Positive Attributes Buffer the Negative Associations Between Low Intelligence and High Psychopathology With Educational Outcomes (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
    2013 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Solar Irradiance: A Cloudy Perspective (BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Treadmill Exercise Protects Against Pentylenetetrazol-Induced Seizures and Oxidative Stress after Traumatic Brain Injury (JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA)
    2012 (Total: 2)
  • doi ISSN Creatine reduces oxidative stress markers but does not protect against seizure susceptibility after severe traumatic brain injury (Brain Research Bulletin)
  • doi ISSN Resultados de dois esquemas de tratamento da pielonefrite durante a gravidez e correlação com o desfecho da gestação (Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Impresso))
    2011 (Total: 1)
  • doi ISSN The involvement of Na+, K+-ATPase activity and free radical generation in the susceptibility to pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures after experimental traumatic brain injury (Journal of the Neurological Sciences)
    2009 (Total: 1)
  • doi ISSN Adaptation to oxidative challenge induced by chronic physical exercise prevents Na+,K+-ATPase activity inhibition after traumatic brain injury (Brain Research)
    2008 (Total: 1)
  • doi ISSN Na+,K+-ATPase activity impairment after experimental traumatic brain injury: Relationship to spatial learning deficits and oxidative stress (Behavioural Brain Research)
    2024 (Total: 4)
  • doi ISSN Clinical and lifestyle predictors of loneliness: a two-year longitudinal study (JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH)
  • doi ISSN Enhanced neurobiological biomarker differentiation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder through a risk-informed design (EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN Social connection and its prospective association with adolescent internalising and externalising symptoms: an exploratory cross¿country study using retrospective harmonisation (JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY)
  • doi ISSN The trajectory of anxiety symptoms during the transition from childhood to young adulthood is predicted by IQ and sex, but not polygenic risk scores (JCPP Advances)
    2023 (Total: 1)
    2021 (Total: 1)
  • Classificação dos Transtornos Mentais (Psiquiatria para estudantes de medicina)
    2017 (Total: 1)
  • Escalas de uso clínico (Manual de desenvolvimento de instrumentos psicológicos)
    2020 (Total: 1)
  • An investment framework to build mental capital in young people
    2024 (Total: 12)
  • As Bets e a epidemia do ?vício? em jogo no Brasil (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Carnaval sem ressaca; Exercício e saúde mental (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Comemorações da UFSM; Medicamentos genéricos vs 'de marca' (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Controvérsias sobre o TDAH (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Controvérsias sobre o uso de telas e saúde mental (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Dados da realidade sobre o aborto no Brasil (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Dia nacional da vacinação, Por que interpretamos de forma equivocada os efeitos da vacinação? (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Experiências Adversas na Infância e Envolvimento com Gangues; Benefícios de restringir o açúcar na infância; Redução no uso de cannabis e melhorias funcionais (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Medicina baseada em evidências; Cannabis medicinal e psiquiatria (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Saúde mental da mulher; Eletroconvulsoterapia (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada; Atenção em TAG e TDAH: Similaridades e Diferenças (Diário de Santa Maria)
  • Transtorno de personalidade paranoide; Fatores Associados a Crenças em Teorias Conspiratórias (Diário de Santa Maria)
    2005 (Total: 2)
  • Brasil tem oportunidade singular (A Razao)
  • Plebiscito útil (Diário de Santa Maria)
    2004 (Total: 1)
  • Projeto de lei do ato médico e seu descompasso (IV Semana Acadêmica do Curso de Direito UFSM)
    2016 (Total: 1)
  • Testing models of worry in severe patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: structural invariance using multiple indicators multiple causes method (18th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders)
    2007 (Total: 3)
  • Breve revisão do efeito analgésico do Sistema Canabinóide (4º Congresso Gaúcho de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia)
  • Doença de Werding-Hoffmann: Uma atualização (4º Congresso Gaúcho de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia)
  • Sistema Canabinóide - Perspectivas no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas (3º Congresso Brasileiro de Cérebro, Comportamento e Emoções)
    2006 (Total: 1)

Produção Técnica

    2004 (Total: 2)
  • IV Semana Acadêmica do Direito
  • XIV Encontro Gaúcho de Estudantes de Direito
    2002 (Total: 1)
  • V Jornada de Fisioterapia em Ortopedia e Traumatologia e X Semana Acadêmica de Fisioterapia
    2024 (Total: 1)
  • Harmony Hackathon
    2019 (Total: 1)
  • II Workshop do projeto internacional: Melhorando a capacidade do serviço público brasileiro para cuidar da saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes
    2002 (Total: 2)
  • Curso de Fisioterapia na Síndrome da Dor e Disfunção Miofascial
  • I Curso de Anatomia Palpatória Musculo-esquelética Funcional
    2011 (Total: 1)
  • I Oficina de Inverno de Bioquímica Toxicológica
    2017 (Total: 1)
  • Cuidando da sua Saúde Mental
    2016 (Total: 1)
  • General and specific correlates of temperament and psychopathology
    2012 (Total: 1)
  • Neuroplasticidade: Da biologia à economia
    2021 (Total: 3)
    2017 (Total: 3)
  • DSM, CID e RDoC e o futuro do Diagnóstico Psiquiátrico
  • Não basta ser inteligente: Modificação do efeito da inteligência por traços do temperamento em desfechos escolares
  • Relação entre transtorno mental com duração e recorrência de internações não é modificada pelo local de origem do paciente
    2013 (Total: 1)
  • I Simpósio Internacional de Neurociências
    2022 (Total: 1)
  • Harmony: A global platform for contextual harmonization, translation and cooperation in mental health research
    2024 (Total: 16)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences'
  • Revisor de periódico 'European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Frontiers in Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Affective Disorders Reports'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Attention Disorders'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Psychiatric Research'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Nordic Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'PLoS One'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The American Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2023 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Frontiers in Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Attention Disorders'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Psychiatric Research'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'PLoS One'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The American Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2022 (Total: 13)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Frontiers in Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Attention Disorders'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Psychiatric Research'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'PLoS One'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The American Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2021 (Total: 12)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Frontiers in Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Attention Disorders'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Journal of Psychiatric Research'
  • Revisor de periódico 'JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS'
  • Revisor de periódico 'PLoS One'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The American Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2020 (Total: 7)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The American Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2019 (Total: 5)
  • Revisor de periódico 'BJPsych Open'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2018 (Total: 3)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2017 (Total: 3)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2016 (Total: 3)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (São Paulo. 1999. Impresso)'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2015 (Total: 2)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health'
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2014 (Total: 1)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'
    2013 (Total: 1)
  • Revisor de periódico 'Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy'

Produção Artística

Não informado

Orientações Concluídas

Não informado

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