doiISSN Asymmetric magnetoimpedance in exchange-biased systems (JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER)
doiISSN Magnetic graphene derivates for efficient herbicide removal from aqueous solution through adsorption (Environmental Science and Pollution Research)
doiISSN Magnetic hysteresis in systems presenting perpendicular anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (CIÊNCIA E NATURA)
doiISSN Removal of ivermectin from aqueous medium on chitosan-based magnetic adsorbent (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS)
doiISSN Superparamagnetic titanate nanocomposites obtained from a polymorphic mixture of titanium dioxide (CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL)
doiISSN The influence of a copper spacer on the magnetic properties of Pd/Co/Cu/Pd multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy (JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS)
2023 (Total: 3)
doiISSN Effective diuretic drug uptake employing magnetic carbon nanotubes derivatives: Adsorption study and in vitro geno-cytotoxic assessment (SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY)
doiISSN Efficient Uptake of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme II Inhibitor Employing Graphene Oxide-Based Magnetic Nanoadsorbents (Water)
doiISSN Magnetic properties of graphene oxide decorated with magnetite nanoparticles (DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS)
2022 (Total: 2)
doiISSN Influence of magnetite incorporation into chitosan on the adsorption of the methotrexate and in vitro cytotoxicity (Environmental Science and Pollution Research)
doiISSN Magnetization reversal processes in amorphous CoFeB thin films (JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)
2020 (Total: 2)
doiISSN Assessing interface coupling in exchange-biased systems via in-field interaction plots (JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)
doiISSN In-field plots: Simple yet efficient manner to assess interactions in exchange-bias systems (JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)
2019 (Total: 1)
doiISSN Princípios de gravação magnética e registro de som em fios (Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (São Paulo))
2018 (Total: 2)
doiISSN Unveiling the Mechanisms Governing the Exchange Coupling and Coercivity Modifications in Annealed or Ion-Irradiated / / and / / films (Physical Review Applied)
doiISSN Wireless power transfer exploring spin rectification and inverse spin Hall effects (JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS)
2017 (Total: 1)
doiISSN Inverse spin Hall and spin rectification effects in NiFe/FeMn exchange-biased thin films (JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)
2016 (Total: 2)
doiISSN Criteria for saturated magnetization loop (JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)
doiISSN Synthesis and characterization of magnetic carbon nanotubes/silsesquioxane nanocomposite thin films (Applied Surface Science)
2015 (Total: 2)
doiISSN Antiparallel interface coupling evidenced by negative rotatable anisotropy in IrMn/NiFe bilayers (Journal of Applied Physics)
doiISSN Comment on -Superspin Glass Mediated Giant Spontaneous Exchange Bias in a Nanocomposite of