Everton Alceu Carara
Produção Bibliográfica
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- 2021 (Total: 1)
- 2015 (Total: 1)
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- 2008 (Total: 1)
- ISSN A New Router Architecture for High-Performance Intrachip Networks (JICS. Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems)
- 2022 (Total: 1)
- doi Comparative Analysis of Hardware Implementations of a Convolutional Neural Network (2022 35th SBC/SBMicro/IEEE/ACM Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI))
- 2020 (Total: 3)
- doi Hardware Accelerator for Shapelet Distance Computation in Time-Series Classification (2020 33rd Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI))
- doi Lightweight Cryptographic Instruction Set Extension on Xtensa Processor (2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS))
- doi Reducing NoC Energy Consumption Exploring Asynchronous End-to-end GALS Communication (2020 33rd Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI))
- 2019 (Total: 2)
- doi Exploring the Training and Execution Accelera- tion of a Neural Network in a Recon gurable General-Purpose Processor for Embedded Systems (NEWCAS)
- doi GCoL ? a General Co-Simulator Applied to Wireless Sensor Networks and RTL Design (NEWCAS)
- 2018 (Total: 2)
- doi Exploring Asynchronous End-to-End Communication Through a Synchronous NoC (SBCCI)
- doi Exploring RSA Performance Up to 4096-Bit for Fast Security Processing on a Flexible Instruction Set Architecture Processor (ICECS)
- 2014 (Total: 2)
- doi Runtime QoS Support for MPSOC: A Processor Centric Approach (SBCCI)
- doi Tool-Set for NoC-Based MPSoC Debugging - a Protocol View Perspective (ISCAS)
- 2013 (Total: 1)
- doi Adaptive QoS techniques for NoC-based MPSoCs (2013 International Symposium on SystemonChip (SoC))
- 2012 (Total: 3)
- doi An open-source framework for heterogeneous MPSoC generation (2012 VIII Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL))
- doi Evaluation of adaptive management techniques in NoC-Based MPSoCs (2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2012))
- doi Proposal and evaluation of a task migration protocol for NoC-based MPSoCs (2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2012)
- 2011 (Total: 5)
- doi Achieving composability in NoC-based MPSoCs through QoS management at software level (2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe)
- doi Energy-Aware Dynamic Task Mapping for NoC-based MPSoCs (ISCAS)
- doi Energy-efficient Cache Coherence Protocol for NoC-based MPSoCs (SBCCI)
- doi Exploiting Multicast Messages in Cache-Coherence Protocols for NoC-based MPSoCs (ReCoSoC)
- doi Predictive Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (ISCAS)
- 2010 (Total: 1)
- doi Evaluating the Impact of Task Migration in Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (SBCCI)
- 2009 (Total: 2)
- doi HeMPS - A Framework for NoC-Based MPSoC Generation (ISCAS)
- doi Managing QoS Flows at Task Level in NoC-Based MPSoCs (VLSI-SoC)
- 2008 (Total: 2)
- doi Deadlock-Free Multicast Routing Algorithm for Wormhole-Switched Mesh Networks-on-Chip (ISVLSI)
- doi MOTIM ? an Industrial Application Using NOCs (SBCCI)
- 2007 (Total: 1)
- doi Router Architecture for High-Performance NoCs (SBCCI)
- 2003 (Total: 1)
- doi From VHDL Register Transfer Level to SystemC Transaction Level Modeling: a Comparative Case Study (SBCCI)
- 2007 (Total: 1)
- doi Communication Models in Networks-on-Chip (RSP)
- 2005 (Total: 1)
- Canais Virtuais em Redes Intra-Chip - Implementação na rede HERMES (IBERCHIP 2005)
Produção Técnica
- 2015 (Total: 1)
- Escola de Microeletrônica e o Seminário Sul de Microeletrônica
- 2011 (Total: 1)
- Achieving Composability in NoC-Based MPSoCs Through QoS Management at Software Level
- 2009 (Total: 1)
- Managing QoS Flows at Task Level in NoC-Based MPSoCs
- 2007 (Total: 1)
- Communication Models in Networks-on-Chip
- 2009 (Total: 1)
- HeMPS - A Framework for NoC-Based MPSoC Generation
- 2008 (Total: 1)
- MOTIM ? an Industrial Application Using NOCs
- 2007 (Total: 1)
- Router Architecture for High-Performance NoCs
- 2005 (Total: 1)
- MPSoC-H - Implementação e Avaliação de Sistema MPSoC Utilizando a Rede Hermes
Produção Artística
Não informado
Orientações Concluídas
- 2019 (Total: 1)
- Exploração de Comunicação Fim-a-fim Assíncrona Através de uma NoC Síncrona
- 2014 (Total: 1)
- Runtime Adaptive QoS Management in NoC-Based MPSoCs
- 2015 (Total: 3)
- Descrição VHDL e Prototipação em FPGA do processador MOS 6502
- Desenvolvimento em HDL de uma Alternativa de Hardware Dedicado para Síntese de Áudio Utilizando o Protocolo MIDI
- Implementação de uma Rede Intra-Chip com Topologia Malha Bidimensional e Tridimensional